Random Fun Facts  
  • In 1872 Yellowstone in the US was the world's first national park.

  • Warthogs can reach speeds of 48km/h (29mph).

  • A third of Americans flush the toilet while they're still sitting on it.

  • The expression to 'knuckle down' originated from playing marbles (players used to put their knuckles to the ground for their best shots).

  • A housefly hums in the key of F.

  • One of Snapple's original founders ran a sardine and pickle store in Queens with his family.

  • Some bears build nests in trees to sunbathe and rest.

  • 22% of people skip lunch daily.

  • Your skull is made up of 29 different bones.

  • There are over 100 different viruses that cause the common cold.

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