Random Fun Facts  
  • There is a museum of strawberries in Belgium.

  • Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa (better known as Fibonacci) lived between the years 1170 and 1250 and is best known today for Fibonacci numbers, the number sequence named after him. Fibonacci introduced the number sequence to Western Europe in his book 'Liber Abaci' after they had been described earlier by Indian mathematicians.

  • Pinocchio is Italian for 'pine head'.

  • The Super Soaker was designed and invented by a NASA engineer.

  • The most valuable nutrients of a potato are its skin.

  • The strike note of the Liberty Bell is E flat.

  • Acorns are poisonous to humans (if eaten it can cause damage to your kidneys).

  • Pigs can get sunburn.

  • Agoraphobia is the fear of wide open spaces.

  • Your skin is the largest organ making up the human body.

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