+4 votes
in Worm's Colorful Blog by (302k points)

we say we're all like family to each other, so...

why not make a (fake, totally not another shipping episode) family tree!! :D

it wont be weird i promise-


Hyude: the uncle, obvi

the childrens are: Me, Keigo, Catlover, Chelsea, Sloth, Nobi, GC, Pizza, Adi, ArtsCrafts&more, Elo, Wolflover, hilol, Mel, Inga, Carly MCnerd, mango, horselover, lena, Anna, Eva, Naccim, queencat, Slay, greenflare, Athena, and Hansta

wow that was a lot.


Hyude is the uncle, us being all of his nieces/nephews or what-not

so, "families" are:

#1: Pizza, Elo, Nobi and GC

#2: Inga and Carly

#3: Keigo, Sloth, Chelsea and me

#4: Naccim, Lena, Queencat and hilol

#5: Slay, Athena, Hansta and Anna

#6: Greenflare, mango and mcnerd

#7: Wolflover, catlover and horselover

#8: Eva, Mel and Adi


so... we still have some stuff to clarify

the "parents" basically of the groups are:

#1:probably Nobi

#2: they both have the power lol

#3:sloth 100%

#4: queencat

#5: Anna

#6: mcnerd, definitely

#7: wolf

#8: Adi


so, Nobi, Inga, Carly, Sloth, Queencat, anna, mcnerd, wolf, and Adi are siblings.

their "children" are the remaining in the "families"


but, the highest power would be Hyude.

Nobi, Inga, Carly, Sloth, Queencat, anna, mcnerd, wolf, and Adi's Uncle.

and Nobi, Inga, Carly, Sloth, Queencat, anna, mcnerd, wolf, and Adi's "childrens" great uncle.


now, we have no true "parents"

but, the baby sitter is KS, they keep all of our limbs intact :3


any questions!??!

by (28.1k points)

unicorncan u Please put me in it next time

21 Answers

0 votes
by (547k points)

Where is she lol
by (302k points)


i am REALLY dumb...

she'd be with us lol

all i did was scroll through recent questions and write down the names of the users i saw, so if they havent been active in this past week i might have forgotton, ngl
by (547k points)
Ur not dumb ur awesome!!

Best person ever
by (302k points)

awww meowla

your so sweet!!!

by (547k points)
Ik I messaged u.

Its really important
0 votes
by (161k points)

Ngl when stuff gets weird here I think people like it

So make another ship episode to make it even weirder >:)
by (302k points)
okay >:]
by (266k points)

Tbh it gives us some action T_T


Oh no.

I swear if I get shipped with one of my crushes I will die.

U better not XD

0 votes
by (550k points)
My exact words when I read this "what in the chicken nugget!?" ( I'm not even kidding)
by (90.4k points)
0 votes
I feel like a chaotic older sister >:)
0 votes
by (161k points)

Wait, I never confirmed my age

What if I’m 17

If Nobi is my mother, she would have to give birth to me in the womb

And how would she get pregnant in the womb

What if I’m 6

She would have to give birth to me at 7

That is actually plausible

You can guess my age all you want but I won’t reveal it until I leave skull

And I revealed my birthday on KS (won’t specify if it’s KT or KN) already but I won’t publicize it lol

by (302k points)
tis just a joke lol
by (529k points)
I don't think that you're any older than 14 or 15 x3
by (794k points)
Bro gave me brain damage
by (529k points)


by (529k points)
Ah, yes, thanks Sloth x3
by (90.4k points)
Well u also could be two just saying
0 votes
by (115k points)


watch out Eva and Mel....

I will be the most embarrassing mom ever evil

by (28.9k points)
by (90.4k points)

My mom is like that too
0 votes
by (206k points)
Um...IM A PARENT!!!!!!!!Or am I a child?HeHeHe

A VERY confused Anna
by (302k points)
you would be a "parent"
by (206k points)
0 votes
by (61.1k points)
NICE! I love it
0 votes
by (794k points)
as a Genealogist I approve
0 votes
so cool


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