Over a million LEGO pieces were used to build an authentic looking Bugattio Chiron Replica that actually drives!

Stella is a very smart dog that has learned to use a special soundboard to talk to other humans.

Sushi Chef Yujia Hu makes amazing food you can eat that looks just like different types of sneakers which he calls “Shoe-shi.”

Does your pet really understand when you say things like Beg, Sit, or Stay? Scientists did some tests to see how much they really understand. They really do understand you.

In Times Square NYC, tourists will now be able to take an up-close digital dive deep into the sea without ever getting a drop of water on them as they explore the ocean depths.

A fossil found by an elk hunter in Montana has led to the discovery of a new species of prehistoric sea creature dinosaur that lived about 70 million years ago near the Rocky Mountains. It is a type of elasmosaurus that had super long necks.

Greenland sharks have been spotted that are 500 years old. The secret is cold water and a slow metabolism.

Sadly, Lazarus spent his entire life in a barn and never had a haircut in over 6 years. He we rescued and lost 35 pounds worth of fur after his first haircut.

In New Zealand Domino's pizza now delivers pizza using flying drones which should provide very fast delivery almost anywhere.

When a tortoise had troubles walking, this clever pet vet made a mini wheelchair out of Legos to help him get around.

A new dinosaur has been found that is the largest on record. Named Patagotitan mayorum, this giant is over 122 ft (37m) and weighs more than 12 elephants!

A 10-year boy’s accidental discovery in the Las Cruces desert led a New Mexico State University professor to a rare, mostly intact 1.2 million year-old stegomastodon skull.

A Columbus artist created what people are calling the "Ultimate Selfie Experience." Visitors step inside a special photo booth to create giant 3D selfies of themselves.

Bazz is a dog beekeeper that was trained to sniff out infected bee hives so they can quarantine them and protect other bees. He even has a special dog beekeeper suit to stop bee stings.

Does the picture of fruit look red to you? Believe it or not, there is no red in the picture of strawberries. It is because of a psychology mind trick.

The Netherlands launched a new type of water drone that is capable of automatically patrolling the city’s port and cleaning up waste when it sees it.

GE has developed themes for MRI machines, like spaceship adventures and cable cars for specific hospitals to make the scans less scary for children.

China now has a bus that can ride on top of cars to ease their traffic troubles. Will this solve their problems?

The Crayola crayon company announced a new shade of blue joining its color collection called bluetiful to its 24-count crayon box.

Calling all Minecraft fans! May 17th is a day celebrated just for you and is when the game was first released to the public in 2009. Read about the games interesting history and learn some fun facts too.

The Flyboard Air is a turbine-powered flying machine that actually works like a real hoverboard!

Back to the Future is now. Nike unveiled its first shoe that ties itself and will go on sale at the end of this year.

Scientists have discovered a tiny chameleon from Madagascar. The chameleon is so small that it could easily sit on your fingertip. Only two have ever been spotted. It may be the world’s smallest reptile

This $40M indoor 49,000 sq ft exhibit includes very detailed scale models of famous structures, cities and landscapes, such as the Eiffel Tower, pyramids of Egypt, Time Square, and Niagara Falls. It even has mini self-driving cars.

A new discovery of a 14,000 year-old piece of burnt bread shows that our ancient wandering ancestors knew how to harvest grain and bake bread.

It's been a tough time for Daisy, but now now, thanks to a new prosthetic device, she's finally running.

During space walks from the International Space Station, sample swabs were taken. Russian scientists claim that bacteria was found which was never present before it left earth. It could be the first signs of alien life ever discovered.

Dogs are being trained to sniff out COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. So far, dogs seem to be quite good at detecting the illness, but it’s not clear yet how useful these skills will be.

Some small lizards have a newfound superpower. They can rebreathe exhaled air underwater. They do it by trapping the air in a bubble on their snouts, a new study shows.

Fossils from an extinct human-sized penguin were found by an amateur palaeontologist in New Zealand. It swam in the ocean about 60 million years ago and weighed up to 160lbs (80kg).

The Boston Dynamics robot can do basic chores, like washing dishes, and putting things away.

Smart glasses have liquid lenses that automatically adjust their focus. This removes the need for reading and distance glasses, or to keep getting new prescriptions each year.

Water was discovered on earth that is much older than previously thought. It could mean water also existed on mars a long time ago that may have supported life.

Scientists now say that sticky glitter decorations are an ecological hazard that needs to be banned across the globe. Many fish swallow them.

Just like in Star Trek, scientists successfully teleported an object from the Earth's surface to an orbiting satellite for the first time ever using quantum physics. Teleportation will one day become a reality.

Teomirn is an app for Microsoft's HoloLens that projects a virtual reality piano teacher into your home that teaches you how to play songs.

This new type of tooth brush, called the Amabrush, automatically cleans your teeth in just 10 seconds using advanced technology. The inventors say it works better than a regular toothbrush.

Adding just a small amount of dried seaweed to a cow's diet can reduce the amount of methane a cow produces by up to 99 per cent.

You may have watched funny videos on the internet about cats acting weird after eating or sniffing catnip, but do you know the real reason they like it? The answer might surprise you.
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