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Bessenbandzweefvlieg Vrouwtje (2).JPG

A fly

A fly (plural: flies) is an insect of the order Diptera. The Diptera is a large order of advanced flying insects.

Their most obvious difference from other insects is in their flight. A normal fly has two flight wings on its thorax and a pair of halteres. The halteres, which evolved from the hind wings, act as flight sensors: they are balance organs. Also flies have large eyes with excellent wide-angle vision.

With the help of their eyes and halteres, flies are exceptional fliers. They can avoid most predators, and are among the hardest insects to capture by hand. Their jinks, dives and turns to avoid their predators is their main adaptation. "These flies do a precise and fast calculation to avoid a specific threat and they are doing it using a brain that is as small as a grain of salt".... "And they can fly like an ace at birth. It's like putting a newborn baby in the cockpit of a fighter aircraft and it knowing what to do".

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