+8 votes
in Personal by (68.9k points)

Hi! So, I have a crush on this guy, let's call him... N? Because that's what his name starts with. He goes to my school, and is in my class. But here's what's sad, one of my close friends, not in my class, in the class next door, has a crush on him too! I figured out when I asked her if she liked anybody, 'cause, ya know, that's what a lot of girls are like. And she said that she does, Imma call her S, because again, her name starts with S. S said to guess who she likes, and I guessed N, because I like him, but then again, he's also the guy that most girls like in 6th grade at my school. S said yes. And I lied that I don't like anybody, because I like N, and I don't want to upset her, and I'm also scared how she'll react, probably sad. I told her that I think they would look good together, and she said thanks... I feel bad for her, 'cause she told him last year that she likes him, and she said that he liked her back, but when 6th grade started, he told her he doesn't like her anymore, so, yeah. Not drama, but still.

There's also this guy that we'll call J, because his name starts with J, he's in S' class, and  he's Asian, and Asian guys are mostly my type, like, 50%. But he seems to be nice to me, but he barely talks to me, but he talks a lot to S and my other close friend, H. H is in S' class too. She seems to have a lot of guys liking her. Anyways, yeah. Next story.

Also, there's this guy we'll call E, because his name starts with E (I'm pretty sure you guys get the hang of why I call people letters instead of fake names, right?), he was the guy that I used to have a crush on, you know, my friend's boyfriend I used to like? I stopped liking him, because he's so mean, but on Discord, he told me that he likes me. And I know that he actually likes me now, but anyways, I told him I liked him back, when I didn't, and now I don't know what he thinks, at least he's in S' class. Not mine.

That's all! I think! Also, I don't want to type more, or else it'll be too much.

~ With luv, Wraya <3

This guy that I really like (let´s call him P k?) anyways I have  HUGEEEEEEEEE crush on him but I don´t know if he like me. I know this is nothing like your problems but any tips?
by (68.9k points)

So sorry for replying late! But I really do not know. I'm sorry. I have the same problems too. Wanna be friends?

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (28.8k points)
more info on E plz
by (955k points)
Wraya is inactive and has been since December 13, 2022.
by (28.8k points)

oh fear

by (68.9k points)


Anyways, thank you Eloquent for telling lena about my absence! And E is so toxic bro I moved like 30 minutes away from my old school, so I'm at a new school, but like yea.. Oh and before I even wrote this whole entire post, in February, E asked me to be his Valentine, and I agreed, he gave me nothing, so I gave the gifts I was gonna give to him, to my friends.

by (955k points)
You’re welcome! At least you aren’t near E anymore.
by (28.8k points)

YAS SLAY GIRL so do u have a bf now? btw happy valentines day!!heart

by (955k points)

I know you ain’t talking to me, but no.
by (68.9k points)

Nah frr Eloquent, I hate E, and he's actually so ugly and emo bro idek why i liked him in the first place. ty lena, nah i don't got a bf, thank you! 

+1 vote
by (264k points)
Dude. Oh man dude. The whole "told him I liked him even though I don't" thing really hit close to home :/

Please, please let E know how you really feel! I know you were probably really put on the spot and/or wanted to spare his feelings, but it's not fair to lead him on like this. I know because I was in this position recently and I felt so awful afterwards. You're just lying to yourself and E. But I know whatever you do, you'll make the right decision!

I would just try and be upfront with your friend (S)!! :)

And just continue to be nice to J- I assume in the 7th grade that you are bound to have at least one class together!! Then you can get to know him more and vice versa :)

Sorry I can't be of more help- I've been slacking lately :(

Best of luck!!
by (68.9k points)

Why does it hit close to home? E hates me now, why should I? He's a bully. He says (bad words) to me all the time! Thank you for trusting that I'll make the right decision. I don't know about being upfront with S... I'm scared. I'm moving this Summer, still in VA, but not the same Middle School I would've been to, so I can't have a class with him. And also, the Middle School I would've gone to is a secondary school, so it has High school, and 6 different Elementary Schools go to there for Middle. So prob not anyway, if I didn't move. It's okay, you're helping me more that you think (I think), so don't worry! Thank you! ;)

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+1 vote
by (165k points)
Oh, I get it I have a crush on the same guy my sister likes, and I didn't tell her and my best friend I like him because I didn't want to make her mad so I totally get it!

Um maybe just act really nice to S and N and try to see if he likes you I guess!

Sorry I can't help much! I'm in the same boat!
by (68.9k points)

Yeah, I read your updates! I feel so bad for you, but am so jealous of you at the same time! I do that, and I also think that N might like me back, he sits behind me in class, and every time I glance towards him, he's looking at me, so he looks away, but that still makes me feel guilty for liking N. It's okay!

BTW, you're so lucky! Your 2 crushes might both like you! Sadly, the guys I like never like me back (so far that I know of), and the only guys that like me (if any like me anymore) are guys that I barely even talk to.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
Thank but I don't feel lucky I mean they talk to me but Idk boys are so complicated!

Thanks for reading my updates too! I didn't know if you did that!

I though you said there was a guy that liked you a couple months ago the one that sat in a Hamock with you or something.

Ikr again! There is this boy at bible study who stares at me and at my bestie and my sister all the time!

Idk why though! it's kind of creepy!

Why are Asian guys your type bc your Asian bc I'm African and both my crushes are Americans?
by (68.9k points)

Guys are NOT complicated, at all, their feelings are, but definitely not guys themselves. NP! Oh, I hate him now, he's mean, and he said to me that he 'knows' that I like him, and that he doesn't like me back, but he said that when I started hating him, so he was wrong, because I had stopped liking him. Oh! Nice! Is he cute? Good looking? He probably likes you guys, (SIMP). Hehe.

I don't know, Asians look most good looking to me, any race is perfectly fine, I'm not racist, but I guess that I like how Asian guys look the most, especially Koreans. I may be a bit biased, but don't blame me! That's just how I am. You're African? I didn't know that! Yay! I learned a new thing!

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
True I should have worded that better. That's too bad maybe he told you that bc he really like's you and you don't like him so he's mad I've seen that happen in movies and books lol. Well Idk he's not my type he's African and Ethiopian like me.

And yes SIMP XD he gave me back my bible and always nods when I look over at him or see him in the halls.

Mm ok that's cool I like some Asians most of them are cute I used to have an half Asian best friend ( Boy best friend) He was kind of nerdy though he was like a walking encyclopedia.

 yes am African I told you that once. Btw I have something really exiting to share with you so be on the look out for a post!
by (68.9k points)

Been a while! I don't even remember(understand) what we were talking about before lol.

by (165k points)
WRAYA! Ur back! omg!

 Me either! I haven't been active like at all! but I just checked my notifications!

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