+6 votes
in Other by (541k points)
So whenever I have a nightmare, I am not scared for long after waking up.

This is bc I always try and figure out what was wrong with it.

Example. Being suspended from school in my dream (never had one about that) when it's the middle of summer in the real world.

After I figure out what was wrong with it, I whisper what was wrong with it so I can hear it.

If I can't figure it out, I just ask one of my parents if it was real the next morning.

Hope this helps.

1 Answer

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by (261k points)
Best answer

I actually like the saying it out loud part. That's a good idea!! Whenever I wake up, it always takes me a few minute to calm down and realize it's not real, and I cry out of relief, no cap!! 

Okay, now Imma rant about a couple dreams I've been having lately...

(You don't hafta read this, but I have been freaking DYING to tell someone about it, and I wanted to make a post, but that would be weird, so, hey!! A post about dreams!!)

So, there's this kinda sorta cute lifeguard I work with, but let's be honest, he just graduated and I'm only gonna be a Sophomore, so Cheerleader, forget it!! Hahahaha!! XD So I don't really have a crush on him, okay?? Lol. 

ANYWAYS, so in my dream, this lifeguard and I were chillin', and we were kidding and messing around with a fake set of vampire teeth (Idek why shrug Ig it was after Halloween??) pretending to be vampires or something like that. I was also sitting on a glass display full of jewelry, like the ones you see in department stores, but this one was full of just random, cheap, second-hand jewelry. Idk, I'm just setting the scene, ahaha!!

 Okay, so, we're messing around, I go to kiss him, but he pulls back immediately, but goes back in, and anyways, we're kissing. Idk why, because although this guy is very attractive, there is ZERO chance anything would work, and I am 100% A-OK with that!! 

Something was def off with this kiss- not "off," really, but ultra-mega familiar. I won't go into nitty-gritty details (ya'll would be like "ummm..."), but I def know this person, and my heart is starting to rise into my throat. I pull away, and I look at Mr. Lifeguard, but really, it is not beach-boy Mr. Lifeguard. 

It is Tom. As soon as I went to kiss beach-boy graduate, I kiss the boy I love and broke me. And he had that really funny look on his face after he kissed me that just made me laugh and smile, and his eyes were so soft and just full of love- something I haven't seen in over a month. 

And I know this whole thing is so stupid, but I cried in my dream, and I woke up and cried. I cried because I still love and care about him, and my very small attempt to move on, failed and pulled me back under. I can never look at someone the way I did with him, because all I see is him when I try. 

This dream happened again last night. The first, a few days ago.

Thanks ya'll for listening to my rant. And good advice, MC!! 

by (165k points)
Wooow ok!

I think you miss him so much and like think about him and love him so much your like obsessed with anything that would make your relanship better.

There is this post on Wikihow that helps you make sense of your dreams you should go look it up!
by (261k points)

Ik it's a lot -_- I'm just so *extra* a-^^

Will do!! I'm dying to know!! salute

by (165k points)
Ur just *Special* (Srry had to get that one in it's a inside joke with me and two guys at my church)

K tell me what you learn!
by (261k points)
Yes, "SpEcIaL" XD

I learned nothing. It said I missed him. Well, that's a no-brainer XD

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