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Backstory time: So my brother is in Elementary, he's a 3rd grader. He has autism (its not too severe but its pretty noticeable), and his bus ride home is horrible. The kids scream, jump from seat to seat, throw things, and much, much worse. I am two years older than him (He was held back a year in Pre-school), and Im in 6th grade this year at a middle school.

This one girl, Molly, is in 4th grade and is literally the reincarnation of the devil. She is one of the worst girls on the bus.

So today, my brother got off the bus in tears and told us that Molly had poked a hole in her seat with a pencil and blamed it on my little brother. I got so mad I began screaming and cursing, it sucks cause I can't do anything. To make matters worse, my mom has written the principal multiple times about these incidents but she does nothing about it. She comes on the bus, shouts at the kids for 2 minutes, and leaves again. No detention, no principals office, no suspension. It doesn't help, and the kids keep doing it anyway.

When I was in 5th grade in his Elementary, Molly would always put on this weird fake-sweet act with me. She would come to my seat in the back of the bus, snuggle against my arm, and start squealing, "Oh, hi bestie! So glad to see you again!", and all that other garbage. She was always sour to my brother for no reason, as though that would make me like her.

What should I do? He keeps getting bullied by her and he's too scared to stand up for himself. This is just making my life more stressful than it needs to be and I need some genuine advice. Thanks for listening through all this, I hope some of you can help me out here :)

5 Answers

0 votes
by (214k points)
Maybe give him earplugs to help with the noise. Or maybe ask the bus driver if he can sit at the front of the bus
by (214k points)
I hope he and you get through this okay! I feel so bad for you guys
+1 vote
by (290 points)
Show him how to beat people up
by (949k points)
That won’t work…
Yeah, that will just get him expelled
0 votes
by (541k points)
Tell him to ignore it..ask your mom to drive him to school.
0 votes
by (147k points)
My cousin has autism and he has the same exact problem.
0 votes
by (541k points)
Tell your parents

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