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HELP ME I have some problems ( if you see something spelled wrong my bad bc i don't know how to spell things)

1: my mom won't let me pick my on clothes or were anything wild and it is DRIVING ME CRAZY and I am 10 ( 6 months till I am 11) and my aunt were's these clothes that are so wild and short even some show her belly or back.

2: I feel sad a whole lot bc I don't have a sister but my mom spends so much time with my aunt and it makes me sad so I wish I had a sister.

3: I feel inmature because I am 10 I hate being little and everyone says don't rush it and I have a problem with that.

4: I know that these is not a problem but what are periods I mean I am only 10 so I don't know most bout that stuff so I don't know what the signs.

5: I have a little problem bout boys to notice me because I am not that pretty I mean I have pimples on my face is I do not look good:

That is all I have

3 Answers

0 votes

I've just got to say I'm in highschool.

  1. You're ten. I think your mom is right not letting you wear wild clothes (crop tops, short shorts etc.) I don't think any female should. Your mom just trying to protect you :) Hey want to know something, I'm not allowed to wear stuff like that either. However if she's not letting you be independent about your clothing talk to her. Try going clothes shopping with her. And comprise with her. I believe kids should get a say in what they wear (as long as it isn't inappropriate.) Anyway just talk to her. And be respectful. Honor your father and mother, and obey them.
  2. I'm sorry, but don't be sad. You have a different experience than your mom and that's okay. And kind of cool.
  3. Well you shouldn't rush take it from a kid who's life is flashing before their eyes. As you get older Tim will start going by faster. Just because you are ten doesn't make you immature. I know a lot of immature teens and mature 10 year olds. Being mature means you are responsible, and hardworking.
  4. The signs are different for everyone, mine are being moody, extra acne, extra stinky etc.
  5. Dude, don't you dang worry about pimples a lot people are pretty despite pimples or acne. I know this sounds cheesy, but it's true.  but the prettiest people are often the kindest. 

I hoped this helps, just remember I was once ten !

ty that helped a little
0 votes
Did you try talking to your mom? If she said no before you go to bed lay out your clothes and in the morning put them on. Tell your mom you didn’t sleep in those clothes. I’m 10 to and don’t have a sister either. So I got my self a daughter lol I bought a dog. I would try to save up for on start small though! Ok sooo many people say there small. Don’t go buying stills or anything crazy. Think of it this way: everyone else is just tall your normal size. Idk about periods ether. I sometimes feel invisible too. Lol ummm I’m not that worried about boys though! Hope that helps!
I mean my mom gets me these kids clothes that look baby like
I feel you, my mum wouldnt let me get any short clothes till i started chopping the bottoms of all my old tops to make them cropped. She had to listen then. Choose your tactic wisely.


0 votes
by (949k points)
1. You can convince your mom (if she is open-minded). And about your aunt, she does get to wear what she wants.

2. Tell your mom to spend some time with you. It doesn’t have to be all the time, but some time.

3. Some people want to grow up, and some people don’t.

4. I know what it is, but I’m not sure how to put it in a kid-friendly way. It’s a little… personal.

5. You’re beautiful! Everyone is beautiful!

I’m not that much of a help, but I’m trying.

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