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in Venting by
So I am lesbian and have been into my girl bestie since I met her a year and a half ago (almost 2 years now). We are incredibly close and I have been crushing on her since the day I met her. I have given her subtle signs that I like her but she has never seemed to catch on. I hang out with her as much as I can. In fact, she was the first person that learned I was lesbian, ad she was really happy for me.

Just recently, aka two weeks ago, she came over to my place. She had told me the day before that she had something super important to tell me but she didn't feel comfortable saying it in school. I was totally ok with that and was in suspense for days. I came up with lists of crazy ideas that she might want to tell me, but the reality was way more unbelievable.

I sat her down on my bed and she was hesitant to tell me, but eventually she did.

She told me she was now using the pronouns He/Him. He almost cried and I hugged him. A few days later, I confess that I had been crushing on him for a while and that I was Pansexual for him. So I am Pansexual but I prefer girls (That doesn't mean I can't be with a boy but you get the point here). Now, we are dating, yet that's not the last of it.

So I have this friend/weird person that I hang out with often. Her name is Melody, and she can be hysterical at times but she is very kindhearted. I always thought she was Straight, as she used to agree with other girls when they talked about 'hot' boys. Yet, apparently I was wrong because she told me and my boyfriend yesterday that she was Bisexual. I was happy for her and asked her in passing if she had a crush on a girl.

She was incredibly reluctant to tell me and told me on a video call after school. She said she had a crush on me and my boyfriend and was heartbroken when she found out we were dating.

I felt so horrible and apologized profusely. Melody insisted that it was fine and that she would deal with it, but that didn't stop me from feeling bad. She made me promise not to tell my boyfriend, but she knows that I can't keep a secret to save my life. I was forced to tell my boyfriend in the end, I just couldn't hold such a huge secret in. At first, he thought I was joking. But after I explained everything to him, he understood.

Now, we both feel awful and guilty. Melody had been shunning us and I have no idea what to do. Somebody help me, I can't leave my boyfriend, I love him too much. Yet, I dnt want Melody to become my enemy because of something I can't control.

I need serious advice here, also, I am sorry that this was so long. There's too much I need to explain here.


1 Answer

0 votes
by (549k points)
Just explain to Melody why you told your boyfriend the secret.

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