+5 votes
in Inspirational by
[TW: Queerphobia (Homophobia, Transphobia, etc), Islamophobia]


I don't know if any of y'all remember me or even know I exist, but Hello! My name is SnickerDoodles! I recently left the site but due to personal reasons I'm coming back for a bit. One of those reasons is an apology.

I first joined the site pretty young. All I really thought about was Kirby stuff and decided to write a bit of Fanfiction here for funsies. They were pretty cringe lol. Please don't read em.

My family is very Christian, Catholic in specific. One day they wanted to have a discussion with me about Islam, another religion. They told me of the horrors of other people's beliefs, oh no! I was young and quite ignorant, so I took it to heart. I decided to make posts here that were really just hating on it.

That's the first thing I want to apologize for. It was really inconsiderate and stupid to shame a group of people here that were just trying to live their lives doing what they believed was right, following beliefs they found to be true. Just like me. But the difference was, they weren't hurting anybody. While some Muslim people were bad in history, so was a part of every group. Ever. Yet here I was, trying to hurt them. I won't deny that I still find some muslim beliefs a bit wrong (to be fair I find a lot of stuff in the bible to sound a bit wrong, but every time I do I like to get educated on its real meaning. I should do the same with Islam), but regardless, if I was to have a discussion I should at least be civil. These people in specific weren't doing wrong. And this group overall doesn't deserve hate. Bad apples do.

Now on to the second Apology, and thats to the LGBT community. A community I recently realized I was a part of (Bisexual woo).

My family also had discussions on them (though mainly Lesbian and Gay people). "A man wants to marry another man? Preposterous! What even are they, miserable little piles of secrets!?!" is the kinda thought I'd casually have. I guess as the meme said I quickly became Homophobic. Similar to Islam above, I just started making hate posts, once more on innocent people just living their lives how they are. I wouldn't say my family intended to make me a jerk, but they didn't really seem to stop it, seeing how my mom helped me out on making a few of these posts. I'd say my Dad is better about it and tries to help me see the other side, but it clearly didn't work well.

Once more, I'm sorry. I truly am. I recently had a really enlightening moment smack me in the face when I realized I felt a romantic attraction to another dude, and now I'm starting to realize how you guys felt. What you guys mean. The purpose of pride and stuff. You guys are just people trying to live your lives, doing a completely harmless thing that just makes you happy. But people will unjustifiedly hate you for it. And I feel bad for being among those people. Just because I'm religous doesn't mean you shouldn't have your rights. We live in a big diverse world with many different people and beliefs. And if it isn't hurting anybody, it should stay this way.

I'm sorry to anybody I hurt. I just want to say that you guys and your beliefs are all valid. As the song says, I want to look at the man in the mirror and make the change.

Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays depending on whatever you celebrate this December! Thanks for reading through this all if you did, it would truly mean a lot. Have a wonderful day and rest of your life! Thank you!

2 Answers

0 votes
by (949k points)
It’s fine! I accept your apology!

By the way, I support you! And welcome back!

Now I wanna read those fanfictions. Also, did you choose your username because of Snickerdoodle cookies?
Nope. It's actually the name of my calico cat and I just decided to use it as a username!
by (949k points)
Ok! Have you tried the cookies?
I have! Pretty good!
0 votes
by (541k points)
It's okay! I write fanfic too.
Tbh I still write stuff but mostly keep it to myself and a few close friends nowadays lol. I think it gets a bit of a bad rep. Sure, a lot of it is stupid stuff, I view fanfic a lot with my friends to see how dumb it is pretty often. But every now and then I find a hidden gem.

Though fanfiction wasn't what I was apologizing for.
by (541k points)
I didn't read the whole post sorry.

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