+4 votes
in Mental Health by (156k points)
Is it normal to be super stressed out by homework??? Helpppppppp!!!

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (2.8k points)
Best answer

This is TOTALLY relatable! I go through this too!

So, I am gonna give you some advice that (tries to) help me get through tons. First I am gonna tell you what I have on my plate by the end of the week + assigned today:

3 assignments in Spanish

3+ assignments in Math

1+ assignments in ELA (takes hours tho)


Here are some tips now!:

Create a checklist. Create a list of assignments you have to do. Once you finish the assignment, check it off.

Create a NUMBERED list. Create a numbered list of the assignments with the most important on the top and the least at the bottom. Whether it is which one takes longer or is do first, plan accordingly to make it quicker. Work ahead, not behind.

Remove distractions. Try to remove any distractions from the area. Whether that is the TV, your video games, your friends, your siblings, or your parents, find a quite place to work. Also, make sure you leave devices such as a laptop or phone out of the room. If your homework is on the laptop, don't open any tabs that don't have to do with the homework.

There is much more. I used:



by (156k points)
by (2.8k points)
Ofc! Doing homework rn lol. <3
+1 vote
by (964k points)
Yeah. Maybe ask your teacher for less homework if he/she/they gives you a lot.
by (156k points)
by (964k points)
You’re welcome!
+1 vote
+2 votes
by (214k points)
Yes that's normal :)
by (156k points)

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