+10 votes
in Debate by (155k points)
Now, before I begin, I just want to say, I do not want to cause anything, I am stating my opinion and I what I believe. As a woman, I am not being feminist and if a male were to say this, he would not be being feminist either.

How has feminism helped?                                                                              Well, it has helped women be able to work and vote. It has also helped the world see women as more than moms and wives that cook and clean and teach kids.

But is that how it should be?

God created women to help their husband. Not to be a servant, but to be an equal. To take care of the home and to teach the children. Now, there is nothing wrong with a working woman, but with working, you can't give your all to your work or your kids. Sure, you could try your hardest but it would be impossible.

If you don't agree with that, let me give you some more information.

Inflation. You see, with 2 people working, that is more money being made so people can buy more things. Therefore, there is a higher demand and prices rise. With 2 people working, you most likely need 2 cars. Prices of cars go up. With 2 people working, you have more money to buy a home. Housing price go up.

So with women working prices of just about everything become higher.

Like I said before, there is nothing wrong with a working woman, sometimes you need 2 incomes but most every family could live off one. Now, as this is a debate category, discuss your opinions.

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (156k points)
Best answer
i think you say, "woman were made to be equal" But then it's "woman can't care for kids and work at the same time" what is your real opinion, the logic of this question is invalid, friend. But my opinion is the same in the way that feminism has helped us stand up for ourselves in many situations. Thanks for this cool post, but before you post, check your logic, please.

                                                      sorry if this was mean
by (156k points)
Who are you talking to?
the one who posted this
by (156k points)
Why are you responding to me?
+1 vote
by (261k points)
I agree with pretty much everything you've said!
0 votes
by (541k points)
Feminism has helped the world because in the old days women couldn't go to school( not saying I like school BC I HATE IT).

*Creeper explodes my  house I'd worked five hours on* oop I've gotta fix the creeper crater in my house.
by (155k points)
Um, I think after the 1st creeper explosion, you died, went to creeper heaven where creepers explode daily, wait no Hourly.
by (541k points)
+1 vote
I'm a woman too! Nice article!

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