+4 votes
in Other by (56.2k points)
Information you need to know before answering.

-My parents don't like cats because they poop.

-My parents think I can't take care of it and that it's a hard job.

Y'all know how much I like cats ( I think).

3 Answers

0 votes
Maybe you should go to a shelter! Just say you're looking for a "volunteer age" and your parents would think it's good for growth. Then just casually ask to go look and see if you find a cute cat! (Seniors are a great option that is what my mom fell for) Then have a worker set up something to meet. All summer long I made my mom go to shelters with me and we ended up adopting. And if they had a pet, remind them of that! Cats are the best addition to the family. If they think cats are bad for pooping, ask for a dog, then say this: dogs poop, smell bad, shed, and need to be taken outside to go to the bathroom. It's worth their unconditional love, but cats go in a litter box and you could offer to clean it! Hope this helps!
ago by

I am trying to get a cat but, we already have a dog I went as far as to make power point to convince them. I will try your idea wish me luck! For other ideas you could help with chores you don't normally help with to prove your responsibility. As for the poop, I agree I have a dog and she smells bad, sheds, and needs to be taken outside to go to the bathroom, but cats go in a litter box and you could offer to clean it! Hope you all get the cats of your dreams.

0 votes
Humans poop too. Telling someone that they can’t have a cat in their house because they poop is like telling a human that they’re gross because they poop. Tell them that.
0 votes
by (1.34m points)
I asked my mom for a cat every day for about a year, but she took an active stance against the idea. However, I eventually convinced her to visit a shelter "just to look", but we ended up taking home a cat after she licked my hand through the cage.

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