+4 votes
in Venting by
Ah, anyone remember this little series I had going on back in May? I know WN and MCN Junior were there. So were Kay and Autumn, but they're not very active anymore I don't think.

Anyway, I know I made a lot of people very happy with those posts, but I quit because I was getting very busy making posts of my own under my own user, and also school exams were starting and I had no free time. I am an unregistered user, but I have a name. Except on these posts I keep myself anonymous. Not really sure why, but I am just scared that people will somehow mock me for it. Ah, anxiety :,)

I think I will bring this series back, however, but I will do it under an actual name. I am literally so nervous to tell you all this for no reason at all. I'm scared of people accusing me of not actually being this anonymous user and people saying I am just pretending to be them for extra clout. I dont know how to word this, so I will just say it along with my new intro:

Hey everyone! I'm EmoDinosaur72, also known as Dino, Wil, Wilbur, and to many of you, anonymous. I am a bigender male and nonbinary person who uses he/they/xe pronouns, which is surely prone to change, and I am the one who made those posts back in May. I have anxiety, depression, mild undiagnosed autism, and suffer from SH and panic attacks. I will surely continue those posts, but I will be doing so under my user instead of anonymously.


- Dino/Wil/Wilbur (he/they/xe)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (523k points)
Best answer

W o t



I love you so much in a platonical way in_love

You literally helped me vent. Why didn't you tell me sooner?

You know, I kinda had a feeling when I saw you comment on that post today. I had a feeling this was someone I knew :3

I THOUGHT I WOULD NEVER FIGURE THE ANON OUT! You really are an amazing person. Thank you for helping KT, thank you for being here. You're literally...

I can't—

*walks out the door*

I would normally call this dramatic, but I can't fathom either. And I wasn't even here during that time!

-Nobi (and Kevin)

We've been friends longer than I thought :D

I love you too! :)

(Platonically ofc)

Aw thank you so much! Seeing how happy I made people genuinely made me feel so good, like I've never felt that way before xD.


the turns have tabled, my friend.

- Dino/Wil/Wilbur (he/they/xe)
+1 vote
by (949k points)
Wait, can you link the post to me? I can’t remember if I read it or not.

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