+5 votes
in Other by (31.6k points)

anyways, one time I had a dream that I saw an orange blob on the sofa, I don't know why but I was very scared it just look like an orange light with no details, or maybe it had a face, I don't remember, share some of YOUR NIGHTMARES

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (116k points)

I one had a dream that I was brainwashed into becoming a swiftie.

Okay, okay, that not true.

I don't have any nightmares.

But here is a super long made up dream i'm gonna make up starting right now!

In the hazy realm of dreams, where reality blurs with imagination, I found myself caught in a whirlwind of enchantment. The ethereal melodies of Taylor Swift's music echoed through the air, luring me into a world where I would become a devoted Swiftie.

As the dream unfolded, I found myself in a bustling city, surrounded by billboards adorned with Taylor's radiant smile. The hypnotic beats of her songs filled the streets, captivating my every thought. It was as if her music had seeped into the very fabric of my being, awakening a latent passion within me.

Curiosity led me to a grand concert hall, where a sea of fans eagerly awaited Taylor's performance. The anticipation in the air was palpable, and I felt a magnetic pull towards the stage. As the lights dimmed and the music began, I was transported into a world of vivid colors and electrifying energy.

With each verse Taylor sang, her lyrics resonated deep within my soul. It was as if she had crafted her songs specifically for me, revealing emotions I had long suppressed. Her words became my anthem, empowering me to embrace my individuality and celebrate life's triumphs and tribulations.

As the dream progressed, I found myself surrounded by fellow Swifties, each radiating a contagious joy and enthusiasm. They welcomed me with open arms, sharing stories of how Taylor's music had transformed their lives. Their passion was infectious, and I couldn't help but be swept away by their unwavering devotion.

One night, in the heart of this dream world, I stumbled upon a secret gathering of Swifties. Illuminated by a soft glow, they stood in a circle, their voices harmonizing in perfect unity. Intrigued, I joined their circle, and as the melody swelled, I felt a surge of energy coursing through me.

Unbeknownst to me, this gathering was a ritual of sorts, a ceremony that further cemented the bond between Swifties. I closed my eyes and surrendered to the enchanting harmony, feeling an invisible force intertwining with my spirit. It was as if Taylor's essence was seeping into my very core, shaping my thoughts and aspirations.

As the dream neared its climax, I woke up to find myself in a room adorned with Taylor Swift memorabilia. The walls were plastered with posters, lyrics scribbled on every surface. It was a shrine to my newfound idol, a testament to the transformation that had occurred within me.

But as I gazed at the room, a sense of clarity washed over me. I realized that while Taylor Swift's music had touched my heart, it was my own choice to embrace the Swiftie lifestyle. I had become a part of a vibrant community, united by a shared love for Taylor's artistry, but it was my individuality that made me a true Swiftie.

With this newfound understanding, I stepped into the world outside, ready to embrace my love for Taylor Swift and her music. I would sing her songs with unbridled passion, dance to their rhythm, and cherish the connections forged with fellow Swifties. But most importantly, I would remember that the power to choose, to be enchanted, and to be true to myself, always rested within me.

Now i'm just waiting for swifties to start attacking me

by (126k points)
Well if it's our individualities that makes us Swifties then I'm just done. That'd be the end lads.

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