+13 votes
in Important Studios by (526k points)



Let's get right into it to celebrate twenty chapters of Everpane :]

Nicolas Everpane - b. December 20, Sagittarius, aged 11 (Book One)

Zachary Abbycat - b. March 25, Aries, aged 11 (Book One)

Azure Abbycat - b. September 26, Libra, aged 11 (Book One)

Elise Everpane - b. December 20, Sagittarius, aged 11 (Book One)

Patton Adelstein - b. February 27, Pisces, aged 11 (Book One)

Ravi Kumar - September 9, Virgo, aged 11 (Book One)

Benjamin Fountain - November 12, Scorpio, aged 11 (Book One)

That's all! Let me know if you want me to do the parents, too.

Hope you enjoyed :]

Love ya'll,

nobodyimportant out—

3 Answers

0 votes
by (159k points)
Best answer
Happy birthday Benny!
by (526k points)
0 votes
by (137k points)
Bro, and they're so close to my birthday. Just two days off...
by (526k points)
Wait, which one x3

I wanted to make their zodiacs fit as much of their personalities as possible :D
by (137k points)
If you scour my past answers and such, you'll find up with two dates, one is right. Can you find them?
by (526k points)
You're literally going to have me do a scavenger hunt x3
You've answered a lot of posts, any hints on what specific ones I should look for?
by (137k points)
The most recent one is a GC post from October, but you could look further.
by (526k points)


I did it meowla

Either December 18 or December 22.

by (137k points)
Now it's just up to you to decide... 50/50
by (526k points)


I'm going to say December 18, just 'cause x3
0 votes
by (777k points)
Zachary was born a day before my birthday
by (526k points)
Woah, really?

That's cool, you're both Aries :D


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