+8 votes
in Random Posts by (99.4k points)

Okay! Here it is!! Yes, credit to Carly!

Dress code!

Pretty chill, you may have holes in jeans,  you can have shorts but they have to be a certain length, I'm fine with croptops as long as they're not too revealing. Only thing I wouldn't allow is like super short shorts and very tiny crop/tube tops. Otherwise,  all good!


I'm starting with the full year classes

math in a personalized education level, language arts that's actually entertaining, a cooking and sewing class that's super fun, a very simple yoga class, and science as long as you want because I freaking love science! (Does lunch count as a class? Of course I'm feeding them all year!)

now the half- semester classes!

A history class that you can self study whatever history topic you like, possibly a woodworking class if you wanted to, a choir class if you wanted to, an art class if you wanted to, and any other recommendations that I could add to our school to improve the environment and learning space for each student. (If you wanted to means you can select it if you would like!!)


 a high quality lunch, with many options that are nutritional and beneficial yet have a treat and enjoyable meal for each and every student! (If they had any allergies I would ask the parent first and we can make a custom meal just for them!)

Entertaining/Extra class

 every weekday there would be a different encore/entertaining- fun class that a student could participate in at the end of the day. There would be arts, library, computers, a extra Fitness class, and on their short day or teacher work day, there would be no extra class for the school time would be cut short.


Punishments would be really rare, but if you did something extremely immoral or rude to another student or another staff member there would be a type of punishment. I believe children should never be hit by another staff member at my school but they can be sent to the office just to have a little chat with me or a counselor to see what's happening. If it gets out of hand I will have to contact a parent and if it progressively gets worse I will have to suspend them. I don't think a student should be kicked out of a school for doing something so wrong if it could be solved by a chat. If it gets to the point where it's harming many other students or the school I will have to somehow exclude them from the school or Student Activities.

Field trips!

 we have many educational field trips that would allow students to have fun, and be rewarded for their good grades or citizenship marks. We would go to possibly a museum, movie theater or even an aquarium & zoo! I feel like students should be able to learn by playing so I would do as many field trips as possible to get them to be educated while having fun!

Extracurricular activities 

 students should be able to enjoy any after school activity with their friends, siblings, or teachers! There would be volleyball club, softball Club, basketball club, baseball club, or any other sport club upon request of a student or many students! I would also include drama club dance club gaming club or any others! A student should be able to be involved in any after school activities to make more friends or just have a good time! It's a really good bonding experience with the teachers, students, friendship bonds, and any other relationships! Students could request a extra curricular class Upon A submission form or just talking to me.

Class times.

my School makes the classes way too long, so I think it should be for 50 minutes. I would always have science in the period right before lunch so that they can make their science class as long as they want or short as they want so that they can enjoy more lunch time or less lunch time and more science. I would love to extend the science class just because I love it so much but if other students don't enjoy it they can shorten their class time of science other classes would be 50 minutes long, and there were no changes in the others.

 wake up / release times

 I feel like my school makes us wake up way too early to catch the bus because my school starts at 8:00 a.m.. I would have my students get there by 8:30 in the morning and I would release them by 3:00 p.m.. I feel like that's a reasonable School amount but it really depends on how long the classes are and how many classes they have scheduled. 

 disabled students

 if anyone were to make fun of / harass a Disabled Student they would be immediately sent to my office- no excuses. Our disabled students would have easy access to the school and other classes. The transportation would always have some sort of accessible seat or area for our students with possible disabilities. Other types of disabilities like mental disabilities, or brain disabilities, would be treated by a peer tutor or a counselor. Our counselors would be kind caring and would understand any problems or concerns you had with your school.

I think that's all...

this is way too long

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (788k points)
Best answer
as a disabled/SPED student (some people count Autisim a disability)  I love the disabled student guidelines. In my school, if someone bullies a Disabled student they get 3 day out-of-school suspension.
by (788k points)
Also? Can I take Scandinavian history???
by (99.4k points)

Ofc! It's a customized history class. 

So, you don't necessarily have to learn about a random elephant in the dinosaur ages laughing-tears

by (788k points)
+1 vote
by (167k points)
+1 vote
by (214k points)
+2 votes
by (113k points)
thats my kinda school!
+1 vote
by (549k points)
+3 votes
by (963k points)
Now THAT’S a school I want to go to!

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