+12 votes
in Ask KidzSearch Staff by (791k points)

so, this is kinda goofy but could you add the Norway, Sweden and Sámi flags? Idk who would need them but yeah. I mean, I sometimes want to talk about Scandinavia but because my stupid phone has no Sámi flag it will be coolio to have it on Kidztalk meowlaa-=D

JK. I do. For the role plays and stuff. And can you add some sports emojis as well (Im not sporty, Im just a swimmer) in case some people want to talk about sports? if there are food and animal emojis why not sports as well?

it will mean alot Kidztalk dy.xgywd8uh3

- Nordic/Carly

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (350k points)
Best answer
Flag emojis are going out next week. We will cover many other countries too.
by (791k points)
by (791k points)
it has been next week

also, what's the country list? I know due to my request there is Norway, Sweden and Sápmi (Sámi people). what other countries are there
by (350k points)
In addition to those, we want to represent other KT users who come from all around the world. Once they go out you can also request ones we may have missed.
by (791k points)
I agree

It will be cool to see other flags

will they come out tomorrow or when
by (350k points)
The first set should be out later today.
by (791k points)
by (791k points)
they wont show up
by (350k points)
It can take some time for the system to update. It might not show up until later tonight.
by (350k points)

You should see flags at the bottom in A-Z order. This is just the first pass and represent where most of our users come from who use KidzSearch, plus a few special requests. Please suggest others for the next update.
austrailia-flag  canada-flag  china-flag  france-flag  germany-flag  india-flag  ireland-flag  italy-flag  mexico-flag  japan-flag  norway-flag   philippines-flag  sami-flag  sweden.png  united-arab-emirates-flag  united-kingdom-flag  united-states-flag

by (791k points)

maybe you can do a request post  

by (5.8k points)
Ok so I'm really late but as a person who is English and Irish (do not come with me to Ireland unless you want me to go from Downton abbey to Derry girls) I would love it if you could add each individual country in the brittish isles/great Brittan/the UK. (Don't ask me to explain it. I only kind of know it myself and I've lived in the place all my life)

girl online going offline
by (791k points)
Well, That will be kinda complicated
by (350k points)
Please provide more details, like the country names and flag images or links if you have them.
by (791k points)
She probably means like England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
by (529k points)
by (791k points)
: D Moment
by (5.8k points)

Yh I mean England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales. I would say add the un official flag because this one ireland-flag is technically The Republic but i think that tbh that would get kinda confusing. Lol

by (791k points)
+1 vote
by (116k points)
by (791k points)

0 votes
by (791k points)
Boosting so KT sees
+1 vote
by (791k points)
Day 1 of not breathing until emoji
by (529k points)
Did anyone else hear the Minecraft death sound—
by (137k points)
Today we gather here today to mourn the death of our fallen comrade.

She was persistent on her ambition for KT implementing Scandinavian flags into the emoji arsenal.

She died knowing the risks that may have come from not breathing for over an hour, but the state was just too unfair and she thought it to be a worthy purpose.

Her burial will be in Oslo, Norway on July 26th, 2024.
by (791k points)


Nah burial will be in New Duvemåla, Minnesota
by (966k points)
Is this a coincidence or not? July 26 is actually my birthday…
by (791k points)

I'm leaving MinneNordicsota on the 26th of july


by (529k points)
What the—
by (966k points)
Excuse me while my mind ex-

*dies of surprise*
by (137k points)
What?! I just picked a random date!
by (791k points)

new magical number just dropped


December 26th = Finnish Independence day

March 26th, 2010 = day a mistake was made

July 26th 2024 = I go back to prison  Texas and CorredorElocuente92 birth day 

by (529k points)

Bruh you're not a mistake, stop it—

by (791k points)

this is ancient

by (966k points)


You win the official prize for misspelling my name the most!

by (791k points)

that's Español fear

by (966k points)
Doesn’t matter.
by (791k points)
by (966k points)
That’s better.
+1 vote
by (122k points)
I am boycotting my phone until Sami flag emoji
by (791k points)




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