+10 votes
in Writers Wonderland Club by (523k points)

(NOTE: All people mentioned in this short story are fictional .)

The Rain


  The droplets feel very nice on my face; it is almost invigorating. It made me want to dance, dance in nature's natural shower. I wiggle my boots in the air a little to buy time for a song that I really like to get stuck in my head... ah, there it is, I think to myself when I finally hear my mental radio kick on.

 I look back at my house's window to see if my brother was secretly watching me, which he sometimes does to be irksome. The house lights were on, and you could easily see if someone was watching you behind the curtains. No one was there, although I still walk closer toward the window to see if there was a silhouette that I missed. I squint my eyes very hard at the drape behind the glass.

"What are you doing?"

I jumped back like a dog trying to catch a treat thrown in the air. There he was: Sean Reed, my condescending brother, advancing out of the ominous dark just enough for the lights to cast part of his face. The adrenaline hasn't gone down enough for me to answer his question.

He asks again, this time shouting. "What are you doing!"

I open my mouth to reply, but something caught me. A voice from nowhere told me that I didn't need an explanation. If I wasn't hurting anyone, what was the big deal? 


I decided to stay silent.

Sean glared at me before turning around, walking away and up the stairs to the house. When he began to turn the doorknob, he looked back at me. 

"Dad told me to take out the trash and check to see if you were okay," he said. "...I forgot to take out the trash." I couldn't believe what I saw: a flicker of care in his eyes appeared before he turned and went inside, slamming the door behind him. Finally, I was left standing there in the lovely, peaceful pour.

I smiled, skipping aimlessly just to hear the splash of my boots against the shiny puddles beautifully lit by the moon. I went in circles because there wasn't anywhere I wanted to go, nor anywhere I wanted to be, other than here. That is a great feeling.

  It felt glorious just spinning around like a ballerina, embracing the rain that coated my face and cleansed my worries away. I knew that all was well in the rain, and that nothing can get me through a curtain of heavenly water. The rain is so forgiving of my problems. It is happy to dance with me whenever I want it to. It is happy to camouflage my tears, because it knows how difficult it is to show them. It is happy to make me happy.

How I love dancing in the rain...

8 Answers

0 votes
by (14.1k points)
Oh dear I think I stumbled upon some novelist post- this is too good for my eyes

Apologies everyone , I am now going to faint with admiration

by (523k points)
Thank you so much!
I'm glad you think it looks professional x3
by (14.1k points)
Np <3

It’s VERY professional dahling!
0 votes
by (71.3k points)
omg this is actually the best story I've ever seen???

you would be awesome at writing fanfics

I cant hold a storyline to save my life tbh
by (523k points)

Wow, thank you!

I'm actually thinking about writing a fanfic on here meowla

I'm sure you could write one :]

0 votes






0 votes
by (116k points)
Nice story!
by (523k points)
Thanks, I just like the idea of dancing in the rain x3
0 votes
You are a good author!!
by (523k points)
Thank you :]
0 votes
by (166k points)
by (523k points)
+1 vote
by (523k points)
This was almost completely ignored x3
+1 vote
by (773k points)


I want to write a story but idk what I shall write, I give up on all my stories

No im not writing a SAIN

by (523k points)
I don't know, but the best advice I can give you is: don't force it.
by (166k points)
And if you do want to, what in the 9 worlds happened to SOTN?
by (773k points)


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