+8 votes
in Nordic Club by (778k points)
Hey guys. Its Carly I decided to basically rate nordic history eras and my opinion on them

1st of all breath The Nordix bronze age, or anything earlier than 790 AD. Now, Unless you’re Sámi or Finnish nothing really cool happened. Technically Norwegians, Swedes and Danes didn’t excist they were just under Germans. This era was pretty boring and not everyone knows about it, so I give it an 3/10

Next, thw Viking age. Basically anywhere from 795 AD to 1200. Now, I love Vikings. If I hated Vikings I wouldnt call you guys Vikings. The Viking age is epic, there is so much lore behind it and it’s the most famous thing about Scandinavia.Well, with all great communities comes a bad side, and that is the “Viking” Guys. These guys love misinformation and they only care about the Viking age. Be open-minded. Now, the Viking age is a 8/10 due to the ruined Viking Guys. One of my friends is a Nordic history nerd and she meet an annoying Viking guy. She’s Danish-American

Next we got is the Kalmar Union era. This era marks a lot of things. It marks the Nordic countries becoming Christian, It marks the Kalmar Union, It marks the Darkest period of Icelandic history, it marks the beginning of the Danish and Swedish rivally. basically the Kalmar Union carried the whole medieval Scandinavian age. Now, this era is ok. Its not the best, I mean Research is pretty hard and I personally do find some of the Kalmar Union events pretty interesting, so 6/10

Next we have is the Nordic Liberty age. This era is from.1530 to 1810. During this time, Sweden and Denmark formed colonial empires, the great northern war was happening and the Kalmar Union died (rip) just letting you know, this era may actually be the Viking age without the annoying Viking guys… it’s cool. Plus theres a lot of heavy metal bands acossiated with this period of Scandinavian history. I would probably have faith in humanity if a Video game based off this era excisted. I give the Liberty age a 9/10

Now. Im feeling biased. The chaos era (thats not the real name i swear) that takes place between 1810 and 1900. This era has lots of chaos. The Norway-Sweden union was founded, Finland got annexed by Russia, There was Mass Emigration from the Nordic countries to America, Finland also had a war with the union, a Famine that lasted 4 years happened and a lot of chaos happened. Now, i may be biased because I am the number 1 fan of Vilhelm Moberg and his books, but this era somehow slaps. Why? C H A O S. Now, I do feel bad for everyone who died in some of the events acossiated but well. Scandinavia wasnt always super safe and happy. 10/10

Next is the modern era. Basically leading into the worlds wars, this is when Scandinavia became rich. Really rich. Now, this is kinda boring so uhh.. 4/10 sometimes its cool its a mixed bag.

Bye Vikings..have a Nordic day. Youre as cool as greenland. Comment your fave era

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (118k points)
Best answer
Liberty Age is underrated
by (778k points)


Sisu power

Also, The Liberty age is super underated

+1 vote
by (955k points)
My favorite era is when Neanderthals came. I bet it was really cool.
0 votes
by (778k points)


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