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in Minecraft Stories by (549k points)

Two weeks later, it was the day of Marcus’ birthday party.  

Right before Alex’s mom said “Alex sweetie, it’s time to go”

“Mom, I don’t feel good”

“Let me see”

Alex groaned and said “Mom, you always check.”

“I have a reason”

Alex said “Which one of my siblings caused this?”


“What did she do?”

“Used to fake illness to get out of school”

“Why did she have to do that?!”

“Listen, it isn’t that. The reasoning is complicated. Maybe once you are eight I’ll explain”

They all headed to the pool and Alex’s mom said “Alright Alex, you are only four so stay in the shallow part. If you are younger than her, same thing. For the rest of you guys, go in the deep end if you want. Just please come out when we call. Also Marcus, your friends are coming and yes we closed it off for the day. Also, we only invited 25 of your friends”

When they entered Alex’s mom put on her glasses to make nobody know who she was. Unfortunately Alex’s father and the rest of the family forgot their identity hiding tools.

Alex went in happy and when she saw the size, she walked right to the deep end and cannonballed right in.

Alex’s mom yelled at Alex “Get out!” But Alex was having too much fun. 

When her mom couldn’ttake it anymore, she hollered “Alright everyone who is an Alteris out!”

Alex got out and her mother went over to her and said “Sweetie, why did you ignor me? You have to sit with me with the adults and talk about Elytra” and made her go over with the adults. 

The adults all said “Aww she’s so cute!”

Alex’s mom said “Alex, go tell everybody it’s time for gifts”

Alex went around the pool and told everybody it was time for gifts.  Everybody went to the gifts table. MMarcus said “Ooh! This one looks promising!” and opened it and inside was a book on advanced Elytra. He opened the rest of the gifts and mst of them were elytra related the only not Elytra related ones were; a friendship memories book, and concert tickets 

Marcus said “Thank you everyone. Although Alex didn’t get me anything!”

Alex sighed “I’m sorry. I’ve just been busy with my life”

End of two

The following year, it was Alex’s first year of school. She was excited to finally see what school was like. Little did she know something that would happen on the first day would alter her life and the legacy forever.

She climbed onto the bus nervous about what would happen if she sat next to anyone; she sat by herself..

Somebody in the seat right behind her grabbed her hair and pulled. 

Alex Yelled “What was that for?!”


The next stop Alex got someone to sit next to her… well… not really. The person just sat next to her.

The peron said “Hi are you new?”

“This is my first day of school”

The person said “Same! Who do you have?”

Alex looked at her information card and said “Umm Ms.Estern”

“Same here.”

They arrived at the school a few moments later. Alex was completely overwhelmed when she entered. 

Alex said “I feel so helpless”

Then a much older looking kid came up to her an said “Hello, wat teacher’s room are you goin to?”

“Ms. Estern” she said weakly. 

THe older kid said “Come with me”

The kid led ther to her classroom and The teacher said “Hi Alex. We’re all getting to know each other now. Sit down anywhere that’s open. Once announcements are over, we’ll start”

Announcements came on and said “Welcome to a new school year I’m your principal MR Trackman. This year, the event at the end of the year is a PvP game… requested by the Stonecutters the people that belong to the Altiris family can’t go.; Remember, this year, I will tolerate absolutely nothing that I tolerated last year. This year I;m much stricter. Also, all kindergarteners report to the auditorium for an assembly.”

Alex grumbled “Why did the Stonecutters have tomake the end of year event something my parents will never let me go to”

Unfortunately Steven Stonecutter was right next to her. 

And he said “Uurg! I have to sit right next t an enemy of my family!”

Alex groaned “This will be a long year”

Steve said “Hi, uhh so, what's your name”

Alex knew the rule of her family: never talk to a Stonecutter unless you absolutely have to.

Alex just stayed silent.  

Steve drew his wooden sword and yelled “This may not be much, but, I can defeat you in two seconds unless you tell me your name!”

By then the entire class was staring at what was going on.  The teacher saw Steve had a wooden sword and ran over to him and took it. 

“Steve, no! I’m taking this away from you.”

Alex said “Alright! I’m Alex Alteris! I’m not supposed to talk to you unless I absolutely have to”

Steve laughed “Wow, your family takes the feud more seriously. We just hate your family but your family takes it more seriously”

They then went to the autitorium Alex beginning to find the feud ridiculous.”

When there the principal came onstage and said “Hello new students, this year will be super fun! We have an Alteris and a Stonecutter in the same class this year! So, yeah.” 

Then everybody went back to class. At recess, Alex found a group of girls from another class and instantly became friends with them.

When it was dismissed, Alex didn’t know what bus to go on or even where to exit. That caused her to miss the bus.

When it had been ten minutes after all the busses were called, she started sobbing..

Her teacher sighed “Alex, come on, I’ll call your parents.”

Alex looked at Ms Estern who was smiling at her. She knew her parents were going to yell at her for this. So, she said “No!”

“I have to” and called Alex’s mom.

She said “Hi Ms. Alteris. Alex missed the bus. Would you come pick her up?”

Alex’s mom said “I’ll be right there”

Alex got picked up by her mom 15 minutes after the call.

Alex said “I’m sorry mom! I hope it’s okay that I kinda like a Stonecutter”

Alex’s mom suddenly turned her head towards her “What?! Absolutely not! They are enemies of our family”

Alex sighed “Good thing I was just kidding”

“Good because if you weren’t… we don’t know what we’d do with you”

Alex said “Uhh mom… are we going right home?”

“Nope! We’re going to your first elytra tournament. We signed you up”

Alex sighed “I guess I have to”

Her mother said “Yes you do then depending on ow well you do, we may take you out to eat”

Then they arrived home and everybody rushed out. 

Alex’s mother said “Sweetie, I’ve just got to get your elytra”

She grabbed it rom the armor stand in the armor stand row with all the other elytras and ran back out.

By then Alex was getting angry about the fact she had to do elytra.

She sighed when her mother got back. 

“What Are the expectations there?”

“Alright, family this is extremely important. I talked with the mother of the current youngest Stonecutters and we have decided if Alex receives a higher overall score than all the Stonecutter children total the feud will end and they will admit the legacy they have is meaningless and-”

Everyone laughed at that idea because they knew they would never agree to that.

Alex’s mom said “No they didn’t but they agreed if we-”

Her dad said “Sweetie, I am the one that understands it better”

“Fine Alex, sweetie, they agreed to do one elytra battle with one of us if we do one PvP battle with them.”

“How come it’s all of them against one of us. But all of us against all of them for the PvP battle”

“They thought it would be unfair if it was 12 on one so we decided to make it befair it would be all of us against all of them”

Alex said “Really?”


Alex said “Don’t you think it would be best if one of my older siblings you know… WHO IS ACTUALLY A LEGEND should be the one competing?”

“Yaeh… the thing about that is…they said they only agree if irt was someone who has never done elytra.”

Then they arrived at the arena.

Alex was let righ in with the rest of her family, when the  Stonecutters arrived however they were turned away. 

Alex’s mom said “Wait, guards, we said they could come into our arena this one time. Just make them hand over all their PvP stuff”

The guards forced all of them to hand over all their PvP stuff except for a wooden sword they always had with them just in case. They walked in and sat together. When the battle started, Alex got to go first she climbed to the top of the tower and fell three blocks and then started to glide down.  She did a little spiral and then a loop and then went up and then continued gliding down. 

She whispered “Okay you know you can do this”

She then spelled elytra in the air  with the pattern she glided. And that was when her elytra nearly stopped working

She quickly switched out elytras. And did one more spiral before beginning to land and just before she was going to land,s he placed a minecart and track and then and then went back up  and glided around the minecart the glided right into the minecart.. 

Alex said Great job! Now, your opponents”

All the Stonecutter children climbed to the top and spread out and jumped off. Steve just stayed at the top for a few seconds. When the rest of his siblings were about to do a very special pattern, all their elytras broke and obviously everybody in the Alteris family laughed and said “THat’s why you always check the durribiliy before you start”

Steve gulped and jumped off. He just glided down and while he was doin so, he hollered “PvP forever”

Everybody in Alex’s family was so enraged by this they hollered “Alright! That’s it! The PvP battle is off!”

The mother laughed and said “You really think That will do anything?! Kids! Get up here! Wooden swords ready!”

All the Stonecutters were pointing a wooden sword at someone in Alex’s family.

A much older looking Stonecutter tore into Alex’s elytra tearing it in half. 

Alx’s mom screamed “Everyone if you’re in my family! Go now! No time to shake their hand Alex!” loud as possible.

Alex ran out of the arena fast as her legs could carry her. 

She sadly forgot to pick up her elytra and her mother made her go back in and get it. That was a big mistake. Within seconds all of them were destroyoing Alex she ran out fast as possible and said “Why did you make me do that?!”

“Listen. You only get one elytra of each level in this family… unless it’s an advanced one. But the type you have didn't so no!”

Alex said “Why… just keep running!”

They ran back to the car and left.  On the way home Alex was asking so many questions about PvP.

After 30 minutes of her asking, everybody was fed up with it and her mother and father hollered “We don’t know! Alright! Don’t you dare think of asking a Stonecutter Alex! You know what?! KIds, now we know there are some of them in our district, we’re moving!”

“Why can’t they just move?”

Her mother then said “Alright missy, if you want, I’ll drop you off there for a night. You can ask all the PvP questions you want. But, please take this diamond sword in case you need it. They will probably make it so you need a way to protect yourself

Her father said “Are you sure that’s a good idea? THey will probably chop her up into little pieces or worse”

Her mom laughed “You’re right. But, she won’t stop bothering us about PvP”

“I guess you are right. Alright Alex, we’ll let you go but if you need to talk to us here’s my phone. Just text your mother. If you feel unsafe tell us immediately and run as far and as fast a you can. Your mother can track where I am so don’t worry”

Then they arrived home. 

Alex’s father said “Alright Alex, your mother will take you. I’m still unsure about this.”

They then went to Steve’s house.

Her mother dropped her off then drove away. 

Alex went up to the door and rang the doorbell. 

The person was the mother and when she saw Alex, she yelled “Everyone diamond sword equipped now! An Alteris is here!”

Every Stonecutter in the house grabbed a diamond sword and surrounded Alex.

 The mother said “Remember kids, do this until she leaves.

Alex said “Stop it! I’m just here to have a nice PvP conversation”

“Lower your swords. Let her come in”

Alex was blown away by how much PvP stuff there was. 

The mother said “Alright, I know your parents would never allow you over here just for a talk. Please don’t tell us our arena is being turned into an elytra arena.”

Alex laughed “Nah. I have no power over that. What I said really is true. I was wondering if I could stay here tonight and ask you some PvP questions and things about your legacy and the feud. My parents refuse to tell me why there i the feud.”

The mother said “Alright,so, first, we’ll give you the basic rules. No touching anything PvP unless I or my husband says you can.”

Steve said “Alex? Why are you here? You know my parents will destroy you”

Steve then drew his sword and swung it at Alex. 

The mother said “Kids, wash up, time for dinner! Alex, did your mother say you would stay here overnight?”

“Not sure, I guess I better check. “ she called and said “Hi mom, uhh I was wondering if I could stay here overnight.”

“I let you bring your overnight bag didn’t I?”

“You did”


Alex hung up. 

“Yes I can. That’s why I have this bag with me. It’s my overnight bag.”

Steve said “Oh mom, may I sleep with her?!”

“This better not be a friendship forming… is there?”

Steve laughed “Mom! I would never become friends with this loser!”

His mom said “Good. Now wash up. We have to have a meeting with the council tonight! We may get one of the Alteris arenas torn down and turned into a PvP arena or something we can actually use. Wait… lex… is that why your amily sent here? To beg for your arena to be kept up well… TOO BAD that won’t work! You have to stay upstairs for dinner to make sure you don’t mess up anything!”

Alex sobbed “I just wanted to know more about PvP. I promise you I-”

“Oh spare me! You are just here to make us lose our legacy!”

“I promise you I am not!”

“Go upstairs. If they see this it will DESTROY the legacy”

Alex sighed and went upstair to the room  labeled Steve and set up her stuff. 

That was when Steve came up and said “Listen Alex, I got mom to let you eat dinner.. You will just get a half serving”

Alex came down with Steve and Steve’s mom grabbed Alex and said “You listen to me missy! We are extremely powerful! Even just one of us alone is powerful… except Steve… we don’t think he’ll ever be a legend. All together we can pretty much destroy anhing in a matter of seconds. Go back upstairs”

Alex was beginning to feel unafe in this house. So, she ran upstairs and packed up all her stuff and ran out of the house as fast as possible.

Alex called her mother and explained the situation and said “Alright, we’ll be right there just keep running”

Alex kept running until she couldn’t see their house or any sword decoration on a house for that matter. 

A half hour later her mother arrived and said “Get in, I’ll take you home”

Alex shuddered “Yeah, I can see why we’re in a feud with them”

Her mom laughed, “So, anything you found out that you wanted to know?”


“Anything the family might be interested to know?”

“Uhh one of our arenas may get turned into a PvP arena for them.”

Alex’s mom stopped the car and said “please tell me that isn’t true”

“It is”


At the end of the school year, Alex desperately wanted to go to the end of year event. But, her parents would not let her.

by (549k points)
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