+4 votes
in Venting by (90.1k points)

If you have known for a while you would know that my friend made a post about my parents...

That was so very long ago and it still is a problem

Ik so many other people have much worse problems, I'm well off I have a good education, I am in a good situation with two parents but they still hurt me.

And for some reason I feel like I'm over reacting so here is a list of the things they have done.

Also I'm convinced they have anger issues...

  1. Ripped the covers off me and screamed in my face to get up
  2. Threw a glass on the floor and it smashed and almost hit me, my dog, and my brother.
  3. She grabbed my chin and screamed in my face
  4. He calls me stupid all the time
  5. When I call my mom she my dad screams and says "She's the cat's mother"
  6. He grabbed my arm and screamed and spit in my face
  7. Screams when I tell them "no I don't want to do that"
  8. Pretends to be the nice parents to my friends
  9. Says I will be fat when I'm older.
  10. Says "You'll have no friends if you do that
  11. Slaps me on my back
  12. Digs their fingers into my arm while yelling at me
  13. When she doesn't get her way she screams at me like it's my fault
  14. Doesn't care about my feelings it's all about her and how horrible she feels all the time
  15. Says I'm a brat when I don't want to do something
  16. Forces me to eat when I'm full
  17. Tells me all the time that I couldn't be possibly depressed. I have tried to commit suicide twice and had chronic depression

Please just let me post this I just need to tell somebody 

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (541k points)
Best answer

i'm so sorry. Like you always say to me on my posts you are an amazing person and what is happening is not right.

We all love you including me!

by (90.1k points)
Tysm! You are too sweet!
0 votes
by (43.4k points)
I'm so sorry that happened to you. If you ever need to talk or vent or just need someone to make you feel better about yourself.  just private message me. :)

by (90.1k points)
Thank you! Actually I think my parents are going to parenting therapy of something like that bc they are sm better.
by (43.4k points)
You're welcome! That's great to hear.
0 votes
Ok, all that stuff is really bad! you need to call the police or a lawyer. I have a lawyers phone number if you decide you need to call them ;)


You actually better call them as soon as possible. That what they are doing to you is child abuse.
by (90.1k points)
Thank you I will try
0 votes

I CANNOT stress this enough YOU ARE LOVED!!!  Also IDK if this is just me but it sounds like abuse. Tell a trusted adult what's happening and they'll help you get better care and help you work your way through depression. If the adult you tell doesn't help BE PERSISTENT! Find another person to help.

by (90.1k points)
Tsym I will try
+1 vote
by (15.3k points)
Honestly I don’t really know what to say.. this is horrible!

Please tell someone you trust about this before it could get worse.

And also, know you have me if you need to speak to someone :) <3
by (90.1k points)
Thank you
by (15.3k points)
No worries!

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