+6 votes
in General Entertainment by (64.1k points)

Ok here it is: My bro licks his hand, runs into my room and touches my hand. I'm like "Dude, wat was that for???". My bro "Awww come on man, it didn't work... you're supposed to freak out!". (He repeats all this).

"Ughhh! It still didn't work! You're supposed to go wash you hands and then when you come out I'll scare you..."

Me: "okay???" *I turn around to do my work*

My bro (alpha): "Okay look.. I'll give you a quarter if you go wash your hands so I can scare you"

Me: "uhhh ok??? But you have to actually gimme a quarter"

Him: "dw I will"

*I go to the sink and turn on the water and it sprays all over my pants*

Me: "Wtheck?!?!?"

Alpha: *cackles* "I got you OMGOSH!!!"



Wat alpha had done:

he taped my quarter to the sink

anyway, I'm impressed bcs he's never actually pulled a real prank on me before and it was kinda funny... but now my pants are all wet....

Alpha is super happy, like he legit just walked into my room bein like "omgoshhhhh lemme see the post so far!" Mean while he's cackling the whole time.... 

anyway that's my story I decided that it deserves a post because this is the first time alpha really panked me and it was pretty good... so the end... oh, and those of you who are an only child, be glad ;]

5 Answers

0 votes
by (227k points)
Best answer


I didn't know Alpha was that hilarious

but thats so cruel laughing-tears

by (64.1k points)

Lol ikr laughing-tears

+1 vote
by (302k points)
boys are weird-- XD
by (64.1k points)
Best it's ever been said
Yeah I agree.

My 1 year old brother walks around and just randomly smacks people.

A few days ago he literally smacked my glasses off of my face :P
by (64.1k points)


I'm so glad my 1 yo bro doesn't do that... instead he LOVES to walk around feeding people imaginary oatmeal.... but one time he poked my eye.... and another time he crammed it into the back of my throat.... but we still luv him ;)
0 votes
by (42.5k points)
I agree. Although, be grateful you have a brother. People without siblings are lonely and tend to be shyer than most. Later on in life, you will be glad you have them.
by (64.1k points)
Lol, I bet ur right
by (42.5k points)
It's just something my mother has told me many times. She was an only child and growing up for her was lonely. When you get older and closer in age, you will realize how much you guys have in common.
0 votes
by (31.4k points)
Thats funny

My sister did something similar to me once
0 votes
Lol I used to say OMGOSH because I thought it was cool and different.

That's a mean prank XD

But a good one.

I like your brother, he seems "nice" XD

He's got a cool sense of taste when it comes to pranking I guess.
by (64.1k points)
Ehhh..  normally his pranks are dumb.....
by (64.1k points)
And yea, he's a nice guy overall :]

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