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Hello everybody I am back! 

Ok so I will tell you about my beach trip:

Ok so we stayed there for 5days. And the second day the ocean was very rough. It was rough enough that the life guards put red flags on the beach to let you know the ocean was rough. Oh and my sister turned 9 while we were there. Anyway the 3 day the ocean was very calm and smooth, so me, my dad, and sister went into the ocean. (we only went in as deep as I can stand up) and we went in the ocean on the 4th day too. and as you can imagine there was a lot of cute boys at the beach and water park. (I didnt talk to any though) oh and on the last day that we were there the slides were open and my Period came. Yeah, and the slides are my favorite part of the water park and I was really looking forward to the slides. So you gotta know what I tried to do next. I of course (but desperately) tryed to put on a tampon, I couldn't even get it half way in before I started screaming. yeah, it was bad. So as you can imagine my dad and sister went to the water park without me. My mom obviously stayed with me,  me and my mom rid on the golf caCuz had some, interesting conversation. I told her "if I don't like tampons then I KNOW that I wouldn't want to do the s word when I'm older (if you know what I mean by the s word means let me know) (dont actually say the word of course) so do you know what I told my mom that I'd do? I told her: 

" I am going to break it gently to my husband that I don't want to do s over a box of donuts"

I am of course talking about when I am an adult. Anyway I think I am just going to adopt a child when I am married lol. Anyway other than on the last day I had a lot of fun :) 


Queen cat

1 Answer

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by (116k points)
The second you turn 15 you will have no doubts whether you do the s word or not.

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