+19 votes
in LGBTQIA Club by (165k points)
First off, this is the longest acronym I know, and this is an explaination for what each of these mean.

Lesbian- Homosexual, typically girl x girl but some guys identify as lesbian. The lesbian pride flag is pink, white and red.

Gay- Homosexual, typically guy x guy but some girls identify as gay. The gay pride flag is rainbow.

Genderqueer/Non-Binary- If someone is genderqueer A.K.A. Non-binary they do not identify as the gender they were born with but do not disclose their current gender. The genderqueer pride flag is green, white, and purple.

Bisexual- This person likes boy and girls (some say bisexual means more than one gender, but I see it as two). The bisexual pride flag is pink, purple, and blue.

Demisexual- This means the person doesn't feel attracted to anyone unless they have formed a strong emotional connection them. The demisexual pride flag is black, white, grey and purple, the black a triangle on the left side.

Transgender- This person does not identify as the gender they were born with but rather the opposite gender. Some places do not recognize someone as transgender without the surgery. The transgender/transsexual pride flag is white, pink and blue.

Transsexual- Same as transgender for the most part.

Two-Spirit- Basically, it means transgender/sexual. In some Native American cultures it is a third gender meaning someone who acts and identifies as the opposite as their biological gender. Unable to find a pride flag specific to two-spirit.

Intersex- Not defined as either gender, NOT transgender/sexual or two-spirit which is identifying oneself as their non-biological gender but rather when at birth cannot be identified as either male nor female. The intersex pride flag is yellow with a purple eclipsed circle.

Queer- Someone who is not straight but does not disclose what their specific sexuality is. The queer pride flag is rainbow.

Questioning- Someone who does not know what their sexuality or gender is and is still trying to figure it out. Unable to find a pride flag specific to questioning.

Asexual (A.K.A. Ace)- Someone who does not have an attraction to any gender. The ace pride flag is black, white, grey, and purple, but unlike the demisexual pride flag it is only striped.

Allies- An ally is someone who while being straight and cisgender supports LGBT+ and it's movements. The ally pride flag is black and white with a rainbow A shape.

Pansexual- Someone who is attracted to more than 2 genders. The pansexual pride flag is pink, yellow, and blue.

Polyamorous- Someone who is interested in having a relationship with more than one partner, such as in a threesome or foursome. The polyamorous pride flag is black, red, blue, and a slight bit of yellow.


More things not in this acronym-

Polysexual- Attracted to more than two genders. The polysexual pride flag is pink, green, and blue.



Cisgender- To identify as one's biological gender. The cisgender pride flag is pink and blue.

Heterosexual- Straight, or attracted to the opposite gender. The straight pride flag is black and white.



If you hear about another sexuality or gender just comment and ask what it means, I will figure it out and explain it to you. I made this in case anyone didn't know what something was or was curious about the flag. Also, this took a long time and a lot of research. So what are your flags (gender and sexuality)? Mine is pink and blue for my gender and pink, red and white for my sexuality, or rainbow if you actually read the whole thing. If I was not good at the description for any flag, like say ally or demisexual, just tell me and I will post a picture.

12 Answers

+1 vote
by (34.7k points)
Best answer
My flags are: cisgender, heterosexual, and ally.
by (949k points)
Same here!
0 votes
i have a question. i identify as my own gender so im basically cisgender but does that mean im in lgbtqia? im just wondering
You would not be LGBTQ+ if you're cis.
(Unless you have a sexuality other than straight)
0 votes
by (156k points)
Black and white is my flag!!!
by (156k points)
Also pink and blue
0 votes
by (155k points)
Black and White.
by (155k points)
I have no intentions of being or sounding rude. I am stating the truth in hopes of someone becoming saved!

I am giving them understanding, understanding, that this, is wrong.

I would never reject my child because as a mother, my job is to raise her to know that's wrong.

I'm sorry toy lost contact with your family I truly am. But that's a reason LGBT+ Is wrong because there are fights and relationships are broken.
by (949k points)
Even straight people have fights. Even straight relationships are broken.
by (155k points)
True. But the don't have fights over what gender they are or what gender they like.
by (156k points)
Thanks you
I, personally, do not agree with you, SparkleRose. There are people everywhere that are LGBTQIA+, including people of your own religion. I don't really have a religion. I can tell you this much: we all have different beliefs, and anyone LGBTQIA+ is valid. If you don't believe in it, then stop commenting on these posts and being hurtful. Just don't click on them. And let's just stop fighting, PLEASE.
We got a peacemaker in the house. *gives Writingnerd an award*
by (156k points)
Thanks, @Hahahaha
by (949k points)

Writingnerd, I’m not religious either. And I completely agree with your statement.

True. But the don’t have fights over what gender they are or what gender they like.

SparkleRose, you do have a point there. Most straight relationships don’t have that kind of fights, but some straight cisgender people come out to their partners and then they have fights about that.

by (156k points)
0 votes
by (541k points)
I'm a questioning and an ally ( ally kind of reminds me of allay)
by (949k points)
Same for the parentheses and the fact that I’m an ally. I am straight, though.
0 votes
I’m cisgender, bisexual, and maybe demisexual! I hadn’t heard about the last one until now but it sounds like me!
by (165k points)
You can't be all those at once!
by (156k points)
You cant
by (949k points)
Yeah you can. Cisgender means you identify with the gender you were born with.

Bisexual means you’re attracted to both boys and girls.

Demisexual means you’re not attracted to anyone unless you have a strong emotional connection with them.
Yes, you can. You can be all of those at once.
0 votes
My flags r cisgender, heterosexual and ally!
+1 vote
cisgender and lesbian! and proud to be it!
0 votes
by (415k points)
Is it bad I wheezed at the thought of a gay man saying their a lesbian
by (165k points)
It's not as common as a lesbian saying their gay, but it's possible. I suppose it would be odd though.
by (415k points)
i agree, its just kind of odd because lesbian is girlXgirl not boyXboy like that would make your straight if your were a male lesbian LOL
by (43.0k points)
I mean, lesbian is only for girls, but gay is technically neutral.
+2 votes
by (350k points)
Huh. Whoa. Most of these are really odd. I think I'll stick with LGBT+ acronym.

My flags would be straight and cisgender. I'm not an ally... why don't they have a thing for people who don't support it but accept it?
by (165k points)
I don't know, they might in the future.
by (1.34m points)
Because you can't say you support it but don't accept it. If you do not accept it, you are not supporting it.

You might be a bit confused about what you mean - if a member of your family came out as LGBT+, would you want them to change? It doesn't matter what you would say to them, would you, in your thoughts, which they were not. If the answer is yes, you neither support it nor accept it. If the answer is no, that means you are an ally.

Accepting LGBT+ and being an ally does not mean doing extra things like donating to things like support for them, it just means not wishing it didn't exist and not being rude towards them.


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