+14 votes
in How-To by (284k points)
I need help falling asleep recently I haven't been falling asleep till a couple hours after I try to

4 Answers

+3 votes
by (137k points)
Best answer
When your in bed, get into a comfortable sleeping position and pretend to make your body fall asleep. Start with your toes, then your feet, then your legs etc. etc. Don't move, or else you'll have to start over again. By the time you'll be done, you'll probably be asleep!

I got this advice from another KT post similar to this one, I tried it and it worked pretty well for me!
by (284k points)
Ok thanks
by (590 points)
I cant sleep just go with the flow! After 2 hours, I fall asleep. Or you could try eating a lot of candy and sugar crashing.

lot of candy before sleep, you're


0 votes
by (541k points)
It's normal. I also have difficulty getting to sleep.
by (949k points)
Same here. I know the problem though.
+3 votes
by (138k points)
Don’t use your electronic while you are trying to sleep. It will disturb your sleeping pattern and ultimately not benefit. It helps me to breathe deeply, lay down, and turn off my lights. Try to sleep at the same time everyday. Don’t drink caffeinated drinks, such as coffee.

Hope this helps!
by (284k points)
by (138k points)
No prob!
+2 votes
by (4.0k points)
Focus on your breathing, In, Out, In, Out, In, Out etcetera!
by (284k points)
Thank you
by (4.0k points)
ur welcome!! :)

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