+14 votes
in Debate by (165k points)

The "Dixie" is not actually the Confederate flag - ABC7 Chicago

I want to know what you guys think of the rebel ("confederate") flag. If you don't want to say your opinions with your name attached, click what you personally think it stands for in the poll below. Personally, I say Independence, state rights, and southern heritage because that is what I was raised to know it stands for. My mom's side of the family comes from states around Tennessee, and if I asked any of them what the "confederate" flag stands for, they would answer exactly that. The flag is not racist, and even in the civil war where it was used, it was not racist. It has only become racist today because of biased media, and misinformative classes teaching people the civil war was about slavery, when that wasn't even close. The civil war was about differing opinions, yes, among them was the opinion about slavery, but that does not in any way mean the civil war started just because of that one opinion, it was multiple different things. And the "confederate" flag stood for the south, it stood for state rights, it stood for independence and as far as I'm concerned, it still does. And that opinion will never change. You could give me one trillion links to a trillion websites that say the flag is racist, and I will never believe you unless you show me something you have seen with your own eyes, not a photoshopped picture, something you have heard with your own ears, not a paraphrased rumor, something you walked to with your own feet, not read about someone else doing all of those things in a school textbook, that can 100% prove me wrong and say that the flag is and began as a racist flag. 

Racism (10 votes, 26%)
Southern heritage (11 votes, 29%)
Independence/State Rights (8 votes, 21%)
Other/Prefer not to say/No opinion (9 votes, 24%)
I don't have any opinions. Since I can't vote, please count me in for the last option.
by (165k points)
Alright Jay. Figured since you kinda don't live here lol.
Yup, lol.

8 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Southern heritage !!! wink_smile

+1 vote
by (165k points)
I think that the flag itself isn't racist but what it stands for is. I think enslaving people no matter what the color of their skin is wrong.  many people said that the Civil War was a war for freedom but mostly it was a war for people wanting to do they want.

 I think that if they want to keep the flag and use it to remind them self of the past and to not redo what happened they should but if they want to use it to say that slavery should still be I think that is wrong. But taking away the flag isn't going to chance someone's mind about anything. You can make rules all day long but that doesn't chance people's hearts.

 I think that they flag should not be taken away completely and forgotten about history is important because its help's us not make the same mistakes it shows us what we did wrong. I think the flag should stand for their mistakes and their heritage.
+3 votes
by (101k points)

I consider myself an open-minded person. When it comes these type of debates, I try to look at both sides. 

My opinion 

The flag can stand for many things. Some people say it stands for slavery because their ancestors fought in the war against slavery. Or maybe they say that because they are strong Democratics. Other people from the South say it stands for southern heritage because their ancestors had followed the tradition and culture of southerners, and used the flag to represent it. Some Southerners are very defensive of their flag because their culture is literally represented by this. Some Northerners hate it because the South went against their war.
So in conclusion, the flag stands for a mix of several things. It depends on where you come from to be able to interpret this. This may seem like a dumb opinion, but please be polite!
by (165k points)
It's not dumb, it's very smart. Because you actually took the time to see it from more than one side.
by (101k points)
Thanks :)
+3 votes

For those who claim that the Confederate Flag merely represents “heritage not hate” and has nothing to do with slavery because only 0.000000001% of white southerners were ever planters, the beliefs and intentions of the DESIGNERS OF THE FLAG are worth taking note.
William Porcher Miles, chairman of the flag and seal committee explicitly said that slavery was a “divine institution”, and rejected any compromise on slavery. He was also a member of the Fire Eaters, extreme secessionists who wanted to import more slaves from Africa. To Miles, any attack on slavery was an excuse to secede. Then there was William Tappan Thompson, who vehemently opposed any kind of civil rights for blacks and even called the flag, explicitly, “the white man’s flag? After learning this history of the flag, how can anyone maintain that it is merely “heritage?” 

As we see, the flag had its origins in racism, but its supporters will try to come up with anything they can so they can avoid facing reality. All of these deflections can be batted out the ball park by the worse little league tee ball player you can find. Going back to the very beginning and saying “Africans sold other Africans to whites” doesn’t mean a whole lot because white slave traders had a gun cycle with enemy tribes to get them to kidnap one another, as they also had done to a degree with Native Americans. Those Africans, many of whom also found themselves being kidnapped aka “sold” because it was a kill or be killed, capture or be captured, situation with the white traders and their gun cycle, never told the whites in the Americas how to deal with slavery and had no effect on the Confederacy and the Confederate flag later. So their complicity ended there. Another deflection is that there were “black slave owners in America”. Yes, in New Orleans and Charleston, there were two freed mixed race communities who had been recognized as heirs by their white fathers and became involved with plantations, hardly “black slave owners.”. How does that absolve the Confederacy or prove the flag is not racist? No one knows, not even those who bring that up in a pathetic attempt to do so. We are also constantly reminded that less than 0.000000000001% of all whites ever had anything to do whatsoever with slavery. Problem with that was that the south felt they could control the country because so much of the economy at the time depended on products from plantations. There were lots of whites who supported slavery in the Confederacy even if they themselves were never planters. It shouldn’t be forgotten that the designer of the flag,William Porcher Miles, was never an actual planter, yet he called slavery a “divine institution”. Then we are we told by the flag the lovers that the American flag and the flag of other nations flew over slavery for a million years before the Confederate flag did, and that American flag flew over slave ships while the Confederacy’s flag never did. That's countered by the fact that none of the founding fathers of the USA, as well as those of other countries, ever said that the cornerstone of the United States or the other countries rests on race based chattel slavery or racism, unlike the leaders of the Confederacy, like Alexander Stephens. Also, North America’s involvement in Transatlantic slave trade was pretty much done long before the Confederacy came into existence, though there were those like William Porcher Miles who wanted to reopen it. So using the American flag, or other countries’ flag as a deflection to the Confederate flag on the slavery issue also falls flat under any inspection. And we are also told that the American flag has more blood on it than the Confederate flag does, so if the Confederate flag should come down, then so should the American flag. That falls flat under any inspection because the American flag was never called the “white man’s flag” by Betsy Ross. Then there are those who will say that if the Confederate flag represents treason, then so does the American flag. The problem with that is that not only did the United States win, albeit with some help from other countries like France,the Revolutionary War, but how many government buildings in England have the American flag flying? When faced with insurmountable counters to these deflections, the flag lovers will pull more strawman’s out the air. None of it works. The flag is racist. Period.

by (165k points)
While your tone was a bit crude, I do appreciate the fact that you went to find evidence to support your claim and you made a valid argument. Thank you for going that far. I recognize and I do understand your argument. You made some good points about the racism behind the flag, and while I can't argue much on some of those points, I do have some rebuttals for others. The confederacy and the union started from different opinions. The union wanted reformation, change. Meanwhile, the confederacy wanted to protect the state rights given to them. Yes, I will not argue that part of these rights they fought for was in fact the right to own slaves, I won't argue that. But, the union also had slaves, albeit not as many, but you can't make the argument that the entire civil war was based on just slavery when some people from both sides did and did not own slaves. Slavery was only part of the war fought. How big of a part? I can't say for sure, I wasn't exactly in the civil war. But also, Africans weren't the only slaves, there were black slaves, natives, Latin Americans, as well as Irish slaves. Yes, there were in fact white slaves, who were cheaper to buy than black slaves because they were easier to transport and more easily replaceable. That said, the confederacy stood then for rights, and they were brave in trying to protect them. Do I support slavery? No, absolutely not. But that's what they believe in then, among other things, and I can't really fault someone for standing up for what they believe in, even if it wasn't the best of things. Even though there were still slaves after that, even now there is still human trafficking (if you don't know what that is and you are under... we'll say 14-15, don't ask about it, you'll get nightmares). The only difference is that now it's under the radar. Personally, I find that more of a problem than someone saying something against a black person. I have more to this argument I'll probably add later, but I'm out of energy.
by (1.34m points)
Honestly I thought your tone was a bit crude too. Idk.
+2 votes
You started this post to cause drama. And you called me petty when I tried to change your mind (you literally asked for me to change your mind). But we all know that you won't change. You just like to start fights. You also critiqued my grammar even though the title of your post was labelled "Changed my mind" instead of "Change my mind".


That's a "petty" thing to do.
by (165k points)

shrug *shrugs*

by (101k points)
How do you enlarge emojis?
by (165k points)
Insert the emoji, click on it in the text box, mess with the image properties.
+1 vote
Showing that flag is equivalent to saying the N word. I'm warning you, don't talk about that flag to a person of color
by (1.34m points)

@Pumpkin All details are presented before you. Read.

You're acting very rude (As usual), Luna.

by (1.34m points)
Also the confederacy was a group of racist cowards.
by (165k points)
Pumpkin, I'm not even gonna waste my time with you.
by (1.7k points)
The confederates were dumb enough to die for their right to own slaves. I couldn't care less if they were brave, calling them brave would be like calling nazi's brave since they stood up for what they believed in. It's glorifying bad people because what the confederates believed in was still horrendous and is worth severe criticism. The confederates were idiots. They were the ones who said "Yes" at the top of their lugs to something objectively disgusting. That's why the confederates and the confederate flag are viewed as racist because they said "Yes" to slavery and fought for it. Also, if the state's right to own slaves was not the basis of the civil war, then what was it?
by (13.6k points)
by (101k points)




Dear Luna, I made some points previously which you haven’t argued against. You even admitted that you couldn’t find an argument against it. My tone was crude and I apologize for that. The points I made were:

William Porcher Miles, chairman of the flag and seal committee explicitly said that slavery was a “divine institution”, and rejected any compromise on slavery. He was also a member of the Fire Eaters, extreme secessionists who wanted to import more slaves from Africa. Then there was William Tappan Thompson, who vehemently opposed any kind of civil rights for blacks and even called the flag, explicitly, “the white man’s flag? After learning this history of the flag, how can anyone maintain that it is merely “heritage?” 

by (165k points)
I can't say much mostly. Though some people's beliefs don't necessarily mean it's an entire group of people's beliefs. Plus, the confederate flag people show isn't even the true confederate flag, it's a battle flag.
by (165k points)
Why do I have a flag? All I did was say that I wasn't gonna waste my time with Kitten. Because honestly, it would be. I wasn't being rude or mean, I was just being blunt.
by (3.4k points)
you're right,  they also hated women!
+2 votes
by (350k points)
Its actually pretty ironic to note that most of the South at the time of the civil war was democratic. The Democratic Party has changed since then lol.

I am proud of the South, and this “cancel culture” is annoying. I’m not proud of my ancestors’ slaves (who would be?) but I am proud of their work ethics and etc.  The civil war happened, and when people try to say it didn’t, we lose a vital part of what makes us America. The fact that we fought to release slaves (at least us Republicans in the union) is a proud part of me. Then again I love the south.

Also, schools teach that the Conservatives were on the South side, which is false (there were some, but it was mostly Democratics; then again, there were some Christians on the South side, like Stonewall Jackson and Lee). The way the history I take explains it, “both sides believe they are self righteous and both believe God will be for their cause.” in the Bible, slaves are mentioned; but they are for people who have debt. They work off their debt, get some property from their “master” and call it quits. More like an indentured servant.

And while unrelated, the African Americans were the first to sell themselves to the Muslims and etc. So it wasn’t the white men who first began, though they shoulda been the ones to stop it.


*don't argue, my opinion.*
by (165k points)
Agreed, mostly. And African American slaves were actually treated a lot better than Irish slaves. African slaves costed more to replace, Irish ones were cheaper. But everyone focuses mainly on African slaves because they couldn't make the racist claim if everyone focused on white slaves.
by (1.7k points)
Literally false. Irish slaves were never slaves, they were indentured servants. Indentured servants are people that are people that willingly signed a contract for food and shelter at the cost of physical labor for a set amount of years. They were also regarded as people as opposed to slaves who were seen as the personal property of their masters. Indentured servants also had laws and legal protections that prevent cruelty. While indentured servants are mainly treated unfairly, it isn't comparable to how slaves were treated.
by (165k points)
Dude, I'm perfectly aware of what an indentured servant is, I've taken US history. That said, I skimmed through most of what you said in the middle there. But Irish slaves weren't all indentured servants, there were legitimate white slaves. Just as there were black indentured servants too, as well as other black slaves who bought their freedom.
by (1.7k points)
Dude, Irish slaves were never a thing. There were some Irish and British people forced into indentured servitude but it was never chattel slavery. Also, this notion that black slaves were treated more fairly is flat-out wrong. Irish slaves are not comparable to black slaves brought in from the trans-Atlantic slave trade. All you have to do is look up "Irish Slaves" and you will find many sources on the topic talking about how it was a reactionary meme that people took seriously. Also commenting on what GemHeart was talking about, the Democratic and Republican parties switched names and it was definitely the conservatives who were on the south side. Conservation is what it means to be a conservative. For things to stay how they are and not change. This is why we see modern conservatives talk extensively about how trans people have gender dysphoria and complain about the younger generation. Conservatives in the civil war fought for the conservation to own slaves. Irish slaves are not comparable to black slaves brought in from the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
by (165k points)

I don't trust google or the internet, it's filled with bias and stupid people. 

And you can call me a conservative if you like then. I don't like slavery, obviously, of any sort. And there are dozens of reasons to complain about the younger generations, and I've seen it firsthand. I was raised by a Gen X and a Xennial. I was taught as a kid to have morals, a work ethic, and respect for others. You walk into my classroom for one day, and you can tell none of the kids in my class have ever been taught that. And modern-day conservatives don't all complain about LGBTQ stuff. Meet a few conservatives, most I've met really couldn't care less what gender you are or who you like. Actually, it's my slightly younger parent whose more on the democrats' side (though anarchy first) that has a problem with LGBTQ. There was actually a time frame where black and white people could get along and where no one cared about everyone else's gender and sexuality, it wasn't proclaimed in every conversation. Now, you have "racists", "homophobes", and "transphobes". In other words, anyone with a slight dislike for anyone that's not a straight cis white male, they're hated for, since apparently only straight cis white males can be hated for anything. And you know, racist people are just any person who dislikes any race but white people. And I do mean dislikes. Honestly, racism now is different from back then. How? Now, racism is saying a word or sentence against a non-white person. Then, racism was slavery and lynchings. Do you honestly see that still happening? I mean, there are people who say that white people should be enslaved for revenge and others that have avoided white people for months to a year out of dislike. And that is from people who are "antiracists". If you don't believe me, you can find articles. I'll even give you one: https://notthebee.com/article/i-am-not-ready-to-reenter-white-society-is-an-actual-headline-from-lefty-magazine-the-nation


by (1.7k points)
Racism is still a major problem in the U.S. There was never a time in which white people and people of color could get along without any tension in the U.S. This is because of eugenics, which is a racist pseudo-science that was heavily spread throughout the past amongst white people. The most fearsome terrorists in the country are white nationalists. I brought up LGBTQ as an example of what mainstream conservatives talk about, such as Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, and Steven Crowder. The reason why straight cis white males are criticized, is because they are out of touch and ignorant to the problems that minorities are subjected to since they are the most privileged people in the country and they almost never have to deal with discrimination which is why almost all conservatives are white. And you say, "In other words, anyone with a slight dislike for anyone that's not a straight cis white male, they're hated for, since apparently on cis straight white males can be hated for anything." 1st, no duh, if you have a dislike for anyone just because of their identity instead of their character you should be hated because you are very bigoted. 2nd, your identity doesn't stop people from calling you out on your racist views, a great example of this is Candace Owens. She literally uses her identity as a black woman to justify white supremacy and supplies a shield for white supremacists to use since "a black woman said it, therefore, it can't be racist." This is not only very flawed but very popular since there are many conservatives who use this as a justification. 3rd I do agree that people should not be made fun of for their identity no matter what, but the people that believe that white people are bad people and should be enslaved are idiots and are a very vocal and annoying minority. But cis straight white males are not oppressed no matter how you feel. The reason why it seems that people of color are aggressive and violent and that you are being censored is actually due to white fragility. Racism is not solved and police brutality and unfair court rulings are showings of this. You claim that you don't trust google or the internet but you send a link that has a clear conservative bias because the moment I clicked on it, the subscription to the newsletter popped up and said, "help support us since conservatives are being censored ." pretty ironic that you pick a very biased website as evidence even though you claim that you don't like google or the internet since it is biased. Conservatives are the real snowflakes tbh.
by (165k points)

First off, do you even hear yourself? You have repeatedly used labels to judge a bunch of people you have never met in your life. You can't say that every straight white male is bad if you haven't met all of them, you're judging a giant group of people only by the bad ones. That's like me taking all of the black people who've killed people and calling black people bad just for that. I fail to see how your own statements aren't racist, after all, what I said is basically the same thing and you wouldn't see me posting it on here. And you have no clue what any straight white male has gone through. We're all human, we all have struggles. White privilege doesn't exist. White people and literally any other race have the exact same laws protecting us, the same life opportunities, the same ability to succeed or fail, we're all allowed to use the same cafe without sorting between white and colored, and white people don't have anything better than a colored person does, it's the same laws in place for all people. You said that straight white males never deal with discrimination. What do you think that sentence is? You're literally biasing them and putting them into this box where you can say as much as you want against them and you'll seem in the right. The said, there is more than one type of discrimination. You're perfectly aware of poverty and how much people can get made fun of for being poor, right? Do you think that there aren't straight white males that are made fun of for living on the streets? So many times now, you've weakened your argument because you've said so much bull about how straight white males are the worst people in the world. Hate to say it, but labeling people like that is the same as saying gay black females are the worst in the world, and how racist and sexist and homophobic does that sound? And white fragility? Seriously? Good grief, if people continue making up stupid **** like this there is absolutely no chance for equality. You say there was never a time where we got along? I have proof against you. And this proof isn't from some biased dude in their basement writing an article. It's my own mom, who has talked about when she was a kid. At the time she grew up, no one cared what skin color you were, you were just another person who required the same respect as everyone else. That might be different than what you were taught, but there was a small window where no one cared. It's like the tables flipped. Let me ask you this, you aren't white, are you? If you were, I doubt you would say things like white fragility and white supremacy. Why? Because it doesn't exist. I'm white, I'm a lesbian cis girl, but I hate saying it. Do you know why? Because it doesn't matter. I'm human. You are human. White people are human. Black people are human. Everyone is human. So why in Tartarus are we all yelling at the opposite race when the only one we should care about is the human race? Because that's also answered by humanity. Humanity has flaws, we argue, we divide ourselves to make it easier to know who is good and bad. The more someone seems like you, the more you trust them. It's simple brain logic, if you see someone who looks like you, they act similar to you, you trust them. That is because it helped people find their families and tribes a long, long time ago. That logic still exists, that's why division still stands. That's why there are groups of white people, black people, other races, LGBTQ, and such because that's just what we've chosen to divide ourselves by. People have chosen what labels they have, dogs certainly didn't pick them. Dogs don't define themselves by breed, a chihuahua can get along with a pitbull. So why can't black people get along with white people? And don't comment because white people have never seen prejudice because they have. I don't judge people by their race, or gender, or sexuality, or religion. I judge them by themselves, their words, and their actions. I will never say that any race is better or worse than another, or any sexuality, or any gender, or any religion. Because none of it matters. You could judge two people of matching groupings, one could be a serial killer, the other could be a soccer mom (or dad). People are people, we're all human. But we've forgotten that it seems. Sorry to MLKJR, I guess people keep judging themselves by the color of their skin, who they love, who they believe in, and the gender they were born with or feels is more accurate, but not the content of their character. Because as we keep judging others, the content of our character seems to be less important now than it used to be. One of my fears for future generations is what will happen when we lose the meaning of the content of character because we let labels define us so much that humanity falls apart with a lack of respect for people who don't seem the same as us. It's a shame when we all have so much in common, but we don't bother to look past the surface to see it. I'm done with this thread because hopefully, I've made my point clear.

by (1.7k points)

You are using the straw man fallacy, I have never said that white people are bad people, in fact, in the comment, I clown on the people that believe that as ignorant and annoying, " I do agree that people should not be made fun of for their identity no matter what, but the people that believe that white people are bad people and should be enslaved are idiots and are a very vocal and annoying minority."  And when I said that cis straight white men never have to deal with prejudice I was being honest, however, I can see how what I meant has come across wrong. What I truly meant by that was that cis straight white men never have to deal with INSTITUTIONALIZED discrimination that makes fun of that person's identity. Obviously, there are many types of discrimination but the ones we're strictly talking about were homophobia, racism, transphobia, and sexism, all of which a straight cis white man doesn't get discriminated by because they are not the minority in any of these scenarios. When you bring in random stuff like poverty just to prove a point, then it undermines the argument as a whole and allows any one of us to bring in stuff such as white people being fat-shamed and white people getting bullied for being ugly, stuff that has no relevance to the actual argument. There are cases where kids can be made fun of for being white or being a man but those are far and few between the cases of white supremacists killing POC's only because they didn't like them. When I said that white people are out of touch, I was specifically talking about straight cis white male conservatives, it is my fault for not saying going into the deeper description and that is my fault. Now, what I meant by that was that those people don't fully understand what marginalized people experience in the U.S. because of their own experience since they never faced institutionalized discrimination, therefore, they don't know how racist laws restrict black people thereby creating white privilege that they are blind to. I used white fragility to describe their reactionary actions that conservatives do towards stuff like the BLM movement by creating things such as ALM which serve no purpose than to delegitimize BLM as opposed to proving or supporting anything. With that said, the people that say "white supremacy doesn't exist" or "white people face just as much discrimination as black people" are either, A. a grifter. B. an idiot. or C. a racist. The majority of conservative ideas are inherently bigoted. The biggest example right now for this is the drama with Lil Nas X creating a gay music video as a response to people spamming him with saying, "you are going to heck for being gay" so he accepts it and basically says, "so what?" and now there are a ton of online conservatives that ask him to be banned because of the contents of the video were gay. Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota was one of the people asking him to remove from the platform on Twitter, so it wasn't so radical weirdos on the internet. I hope I have explained this way better than I did earlier. Also, just because your mom never saw explicit racism does not mean there was never a time where racist white people did not exist. I think "we are all human so why do we keep fighting" is bad, not because the message is bad because it isn't but because it ignores the problem itself. You denying that these things exist is making true equality an impossible achievement. There are people like Robin DiAngelo who spread messages such as, "be less white" which is unproductive and doesn't solve anything, to begin with, while also painting a false face on people on the left. People like her are annoying and make true equality just as impossible as conservatives. You are right though, I am not white, I'm mixed white and Latino who was mainly raised by a single white mom in Iowa. I live in a state full of conservatives and go to a school packed with them. There are even some who claim black supremacy is a huge thing in the U.S. and that Biden is a pedo. This ultimately does not matter though since identity should not shield people from their political views. I just thought I should include this to show you that this was the only thing you were correct about. Hopefully, I have clarified some misconceptions.

by (165k points)
I brought in poverty because it's another valid form of prejudice, the only difference is that most people have the same views on it. ALM exists for all races to matter, not just black people. Honestly, I don't see the point in fighting about racism and stuff. Because all people do is argue that black people are or aren't being suppressed, and same with white people and all that happens is placing blame and hate on others. Honestly, all that hate can't be healthy. Religions form morals for a lot of people, and most of them will tell you to forgive others. I haven't seen a lot of that lately. Whether you believe in BLM and white supremacy, or you believe in ALM and black self-suppression, what good will honestly come from hating everyone on the other side? Hatred is all that can come out of it, and hatred, true, bloody hatred, can be a terrifying thing. No one can forgive anyone with a different view. All of this hatred is just going to cause another civil war tbh. Heck, probably a couple of them. Morals today are obsolete, and I'm honestly scared.
by (1.7k points)
Hatred? What are you talking about? Are you saying that we should stop having discussions about topics like these only because they bring hatred, even though people protest in the name of BLM to stop the hatred? By just stopping, nothing gets solved and the "hatred" is just gonna pile up as people become frustrated that nothing has been changed. This "hatred" is just a consequence of generations of racism. Also, I honestly think you are overreacting if you truly believe that people no longer have any morals and that there could be another civil war. The only thing I can think of recently that could make you think this is the Capitol Hill Riot. Moral of the story, Black Lives Matter.
by (165k points)

I don't disagree that black lives matter, they do, but everyone's life matters, not just black peoples'. And what else would you call it other than hatred? Hatred is caused by pain and anger, and the more people fight about everything, which I really don't get because everyone still believes that everyone is equal for the bottom line, the more that hatred breeds. And dozens of times in history, hatred has bred war, it's the basis for every single one. I stand by "Every man is created equal", (given that "man" was another form of "mankind" or "humanity" back then) but it's rather what each person chooses to do with their life that might make some people unequal, but all in all, we're all human. And you're wrong, I'm not even talking about the Capitol Hill Riot, not even close. I'm talking about when I've seen people my age literally (and I do mean literally) not know what common courtesy is. Or when people aren't taught to respect their elders. Or respect in general. Or when people are talking behind their "friends'" back. Or when they would rather videotape someone being beaten up than try to help or tell someone. I've seen all of this firsthand (more or less the last one, since one or two people out of a gym full actually went to get help). It's sad it what it is. Moral decadence is evident. And you can't tell me it's not when I've seen it multiple times probably for more things than I can think of here. 

by (1.7k points)

The message of BLM is not, "only black lives matter" It is instead, "black lives also matter" That's why people don't understand the BLM movement is because they don't understand their message and believe it to be a racist message instead of an anti-racist one. Morals are what people detect as right from wrong. It is not a decline in morals, it is just a change in morals that you see in other people.

by (165k points)
1. I can understand the BLM thing, ALM is just all-inclusive.

2. Yes, morals are what people detect as right and wrong. A change is evident. And I'm sorry, but you can not tell me that it's a positive change or anything but a negative one. People today (as much as that makes me sound like a grandma) have no respect, no empathy, no sense of poise or rationality, no common courtesy, not even enough to say please and thank you to someone who's helped them. I would consider myself to be raised to know that that's wrong. I was raised to take responsibility, to treat others with respect, to take others' emotions into consideration, to try and understand others' points of view, to act with poise, to appreciate those who try to help, and those who have always been there. I have seen people who have never been taught any of that, who don't have a code of morals, who simply do whatever they want without conscience. You cannot tell me that is just a change in morals, it's a decline. Because there is absolutely nothing, morally, that separates people like that from psychopathic serial killers, because people like that could kill a friend and feel no remorse.
@GemHeart I disagree in the sense that the Democratic Party has not changed. The democrats founded the KKK, the democrats founded BLM. BLM is the new KKK.

@LunaLight @500iq this debate is LONG. I can't believe I read it all lol....
by (165k points)
Mhm. I can't believe I wrote half of it lol.
by (1.7k points)
BLM is the new KKK???? What do you mean by that? Also, I don't disagree that all lives matter because they do, it's just that the ALM movement is completely reactionary and is used as a way to delegitimize the BLM movement and say's, "all lives matter, not just black lives." This is completely missing the point of BLM and what it stands for while also undermining the impact that it has only because they misunderstand the meaning behind the movement in the first place.
by (101k points)

Guys, stop making your arguments so long, how am I supposed to read them

by (95.3k points)

I read them all instead of finishing school



by (1.7k points)
why you commenting? this was months ago

I was laughing with the girls on their joke 

by (3.4k points)
KNIGHTTT Did you never read about the part switch of 1920?
by (3.4k points)
+2 votes
I’d just like to say that the most messed up thing about this controversy is if the Confederacy won the war, there is almost no doubt in my mind that schools would teach about how horrible and unfair the Union was. That is all I will say.

Also, you must admit that they weren’t really trying to keep the country together, which is pretty important.
That flag is a trashy, evil symbol equivalent to a Nazi symbol. That flag was used so the evil slave owners could keep their slaves!
by (165k points)
I hope you are aware that both sides, confederate and union, had slaves. Heck, do you know how many of our greatest presidents owned slaves? George Washington did. And how, in the world, is the confederate flag anywhere close to the nazi symbol? Well, i suppose therenis one thing they have in common, neither started out bad. The nazi symbol, before it was the nazi symbol, was actually a symbol of peace. The confederate flag, like the one i posted, was never a bad flag until recent years, when people changed the meaning. But as far as anyone from the south and i are concerned, that flag stood for independence and state rights then, and it does now. If the flag offends you, you need a history lesson, and not one from media or schools either, they have all changed what history was about.
Fun fact: the Swastika actually used to signify good luck and sunshine, but because the Nazis used it, it has a bad connotation.
by (3.4k points)
The Nazi party actually first chose it because your subconscious would trust them more with a symbol signifying peace and good luck!

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