+8 votes
in Shower Thoughts by

Ok so I was reading about the Titanic ,Btw super interesting. Basically reading what I already new although I did learn some new things. Learning about the classes was super interesting. The classes were pretty separated . Read Dear America btw.

So maybe this should be in shower thoughts I don't really know.

This caused my imagination to soar 

Here are some Questions.

  1. Would you survive?
  • well that depends on a few factors.
  1. What class you would be in.
  2. How Quickly you got up to the top
  3. If you took this seriously . You know on the Titanic at first they thought nothing of it because the Titanic was thought to be unsinkable.
  4. If you were a Women ,man ,or Child 
  5. If you were a good swimmer . Guys only 5 people survived once all the life boats were gone . One Died though.

I'd be second class

Probably as soon as I woke everybody in my family up 

Well I am a worry wart so I would be in between because my parents would try to reassure me .,I think I would though

Women and a child hear so I guess I,d get first dibs on the life boats.

Nope Terrible.



3 Answers

0 votes
by (156k points)
Best answer
Same im an awful swimmer
+1 vote
by (966k points)
#5 isn’t true. By the time the Carpathia picked up all 706 survivors, every survivor was in a lifeboat. There was a baker who survived for 2 hours in the water though. He eventually got onto lifeboat Collapsible B, which was overturned and had about 30 men on it.
0 votes
by (64.3k points)
I would be in 2'nd class because I'm not rich and not poor, I'm inbetween.

And it was probably easier for first class passengers and  second class passengers to get to the top deck easier. BTW I am crazy about the titanic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by (966k points)
That’s true! The reason first-class and second-class passengers got to the decks easier (and the lifeboats) was because they understood English, while most third-class (or steerage) passengers didn’t.

Also, the front of the lifeboat was reserved for first-class passengers, and the back for second-class passengers. As for third-class, I’m not sure, but I think they took the remaining space of the lifeboat.

When the lifeboats were first released, not a lot of people went in the lifeboats because many people wanted to stay in the comfort of the ship.

I’m also really interested in the Titanic. We should start a Titanic club. Good with you?
by (64.3k points)
by (966k points)

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