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Crane Puppet Part II: CRANE FEET

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Channel: JeremyShaferOrigami
Categories: Fine Arts   |   Crafts  
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[Rather Simple] Crane Puppet Part II: the FEET! In this video I show how to make origami Crane Feet finger puppets to go with the Crane Head and Wings I taught in this tutorial:

The Crane hand puppet I showed in the intro and thumbnail was folded from printer paper cut square: The Head and the Wings were folded from 8.5in X 8.5in squares and the feet were folded from printer paper cut square and divided into fourths.... So 4.24in X 4.35in squares. For the Feet tutorial I used 6-inch kami so each foot was folded from a 3in X 3in square. Either size should work for most fingers because the size of the hole in the finger puppet is adjustable by re-positioning the interior flap.

As I brainstormed at the end of the video, each foot can also be a crane in a nest, dancing crane claws and talking chickens. If you spread out the tips of of the claw to form little balls it could be a jester wearing a jester's hat.

What other finger puppets would be cool to fold in origami. I think it would be awesome to make finger puppet teddy bear or other animals.


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