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Sneaking Out Of My House In The Middle Of The Night

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Channel: storybooth
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By Alyssa | Ready to "wear it out loud?” Merch store open, SHOP NOW: | Subscribe: | Record your story @ or our iPhone app for a chance to get animated. Comment, like, share this story.

Last year, when Alyssa was in the eighth grade, she had two best friends that she hung out with every single day, always having fun. One day they were hanging out and they started looking at snapchat, and all the people in their grade - thinking they were living dangerously - sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night while their parents were sleeping.

Alyssa's friends were both really excited, they wanted to sneak out in the middle of the night too, but Alyssa was kind of scared.For her it was a bit more of a challenge because her family had this whole alarm system in their house. Of course it was meant to keep people from breaking in, but it also would make it a lot more dangerous to break out as well - it beeped every time a door or window was open. Also, Alyssa's parents would be really mad if they caught her. They would definitely ground her forever.

But, her friends put the pressure on, told her how she would regret it if she didn't take the chance to be a true teenager and do something daring and dangerous!

So, when she got home, she tested a theory - perhaps the upstairs windows weren't connected to the alarm. She turned the alarm on and tried a window upstairs and she was right - no beeping! But, how would she get out through a second story window, It was way too high up and really risky, scary, dangerous. Sneaking out of the house sounded cool, but not if it meant risking your life!

After some searching, she figured out that her brother's bathroom window let to the roof, which led to another roof, which maybe, just maybe she could climb down from.

So, they planned it for a Sunday night when there was no school the next day - a holiday - and once Sunday night finally rolled around they were so nervous. Alyssa was just lying in bed imaging all the scenarios of her getting caught by her parents, busted by adults or teachers or even the police. All the various consequences were running through her head.

After her parents came in to say goodnight to her she had a real panic and wondered why in the world she was going through with this crazy plan.But finally she gathered her strength, realized she was a young woman who needed to live her life as a teenager starting right that moment! Rebellion!

At 1:30 in the morning - as planned - Alyssa climbed through her brother's bathroom window and onto the roof. She was making so much noise she couldn't believe her parents didn't wake up and that she didn't get caught.

Whens he hit the ground she literally sprinted to her friend's house without looking back, then the both ran all the way to their other friends house, and she joined them and they went to this all night convenience store.

They drank a bunch of energy drinks and started acting all crazy in the parking lot, running around and being silly, actually so much fun. They were having the time of their lives.

Finally, it was time to head home, and they started walking back. Suddenly these four police cars pulled up and essentially surrounded them on the street. The police wanted to know what they were all doing out so late, and they tried to make up a bunch of stories and excuses, but they were all pretty ridiculous. Finally they just admitted that they had all snuck out of their houses while their parents were asleep.

The police lectured them about how disrespectful to their parents it was and all this stuff, and then they made them all call their parents and wake them up out of bed and get them to come pick them up.

The parents showed up and were really mad, as they should have been, and Alyssa and her friends were all totally grounded for three weeks.

It was fun, sure, but in the end not really worth it. Alyssa says she will never do that again!

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