+27 votes
in Writing Contests by
Whoever spams the most wins. Enter at the risk of having wayyyyy to many notifications.

I will give out special awards for different Categories.

Most Useful Spam:

Most Creative Spam:

The Most Spam:

Most Random Spam:

Shout out to BlueZswagger and flaming Phoenix for giving me this Idea

Spam Away !
by (165k points)
by (147k points)
But IT IS a job now.

*evil smile*
by (165k points)
What is a job?

I forgot what were talking about srry!
by (147k points)
Being a walrus
by (165k points)
Oh yes!

Well ig!
by (147k points)
Wut does ig mean
by (165k points)
I. Guess! ig!
by (480 points)
Was the one dude who has an the first year. Edit yxgdggxgxwzg,swyfxsw,stay as cash desde ftxdy ******************************************************** dwgyhv,USB cache dyvwuv wýv dwdfgchfhghvhcfgvjvhghhfhcbchvf is you in a TV tv tech fight ivy funny church or by buggy it v guy hubby

Buttah dog

Dog with the buttah on him

114 Answers

+1 vote
by (550k points)



















+1 vote
Spam is awesome and that it's not worth what it takes on them and not because you want you and it isn't a spam is awesome and that it's not worth what it takes on them and not because you want you and it isn't. I still don't know what a spam is awesome and that it's a spam is awesome and that is awesome for your experiences with them all honesty is really not worth what it takes on them and not because you want you and it isn't a spam filter or something else to make them look better than your comment on your friend and you should post the link for your experiences and not post it again and not just going out of college would work out with them because they were not because they had to be a awesome person to make it takes to make them feel better than they had and they would love them to have their money back when you know you and your friends will have you want them all honesty to make your experience that the other person who is really interested to make it a awesome thing for yourself and not post it again and not just going out of college would work out with people who are willing and that is amazing how much money back is awesome now that this isn't really interested on your part though but the best way you want is really good and good for yourself and not really interested you and you spam spam and more than100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000million spans

The first one was the best person in to the people want the best way to make them look like a awesome person and that is awesome and your comment isn't really interested



















































































by (68.9k points)

I like it! ;P


I wish I knew how to make the letters BIG   for the XD

Oh yeah the word spans is spams okay
by (165k points)
Well you can always can it!
What is can it
by (165k points)
Change it XD
+1 vote
I still don't think I still don't have a spam is awesome and that it's a spam is awesome and that it's not worth what it takes on them and not because you want you and it isn't a spam is awesome and your comment isn't worth mentioning for a while and the only way it was in this post to get them in to get them in to get them in to get them in to get them to be the best person who will ever get into=5256373for3822833653535#62626#636636262-$6"3636626362&2" "2&it's26#-#&!=99:99$$$%



















And that's an awesome spam+9999999999999999999999average player is awesome

Sincerely your friend Percy


by (68.9k points)

Ha! Did you know what a spam was the whole time???

~ Wraya <3

+1 vote
I don't think it is a laugh. I don't think it is a laugh. Edit on your post? Edit. Edit on the voice that I l. O???! I love this. Edit. The question in your title. Edit and spelling errors are you? Also I am missing something wrong about her or her being a real thing? If you're going through y you will not know if she has the right. But that was my last name to get in. If she had been able and use her for the mistake and Richard would make her house your g y in a raptor situation and spelling it. The problem with this was to be a laughing way to make the mistake of being the voice of the mistake and the voice that you will be able and see. You are you doing today. Edit on your own? Edit. Edit on the link to be the mistake of being a troll! Edit. I don't think that was my last comment. Edit on the voice that you are amazing!
+1 vote
by (266k points)
Seriously what do I do :/
+1 vote
by (266k points)
Si senorita, Jajajaja es muy correcto. Muy bien.
by (266k points)
Gracias, senor ;)
+1 vote
by (266k points)
I'm finally dating a guy lol. And still sorta have feelings for the other. But no one will knoooooooooww!! XD
HEEEYYYY CONGRATS... My crush (j) decided we aren't going to prom as dates anymore...  But still, congrats!!!
That's great Cheer,.  I mean I probably won't date till I'm thirty Lolll. I don't got feelings for anybody I know.
by (165k points)


MUY GUSTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





by (68.9k points)

Cube, I'm sorry for you... did prom pass yet? When is it? Who are you going with? I want the best for you, you're my friend. <3

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
Ditto to Wraya

Brooooo wraya you just freaked me out lol... A streamer that i watch (Drewtheducky go follow him now) always calls me "cube" lol.

No, it is the 5th. I'm going with j, but we are going as friends... Thank you.
by (165k points)
Oh, well at least your going! lol Creeper!
by (266k points)
I'll make a post soon, Blue!! ;)

Thanks Cuberdude!! I'm still so sorry about your date... Hey, charming guy like you, I'm sure you'll win her back by the end of the night!! :) And maybe "congrats" isn't quite the right word lol :/

Aww, Thalia, I'm sure you'll catch feelings for someone in the not too distant future :p Heck, I wanna have kids by the time I'm 30 XD
by (68.9k points)

Sorry! I only called you that because I was too lazy to write your whole username. Oh, okay, wait, how old are you again, Cuberdude?

by (68.9k points)

I agree with CC. You're very nice, and I'm not sure about charming, since I'm only 12, IDK. But, She'll hopefully like you, and want to be your date before prom. Haha! Same! I want to be married when I'm around 25.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
Yes, I agree with Wraya and C,C! Thanks I will be on the look out!

I don't know about getting married before 25 but I do want to get married.

And Cuberdude I bet your very charming and any girl would be lucky to have you!
0 votes
by (87.2k points)

Continued again:

+1 vote
by (87.2k points)

Continued again:

The Epicness – Hi how are you? Smells good ya! Think about that buddy (shower time) heheheheHAHAHA well thanks a lot so called buddy. Random things: joe be utterly hatin. Dat be da bomb – Tink about tanking me. Interview: how does Joe like his pepperoni? “I be liken how I always eat it.” What first comes to Bobby’s mind when I say flabbergast? I don’t know, Flapper dress maybe that be it (20s style) hey dere ma-name JeFf… Hell Ome Ine Ame Isej oe hey hey hey! an intruder! (DID U NEVER WATCH POKÉPALS?!?! im offended.) ANYHOO, the cattle hopped above the earth orbiting asteroid (a TWIST on an old tale) Are you OCD? Then don’t read anymore: :):):):):):):):):):);):):):):):) OR: 8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)9)8)8)8) (I Know It’s Annoying} ocd&gmail.com [i annoyed you again) —A Nice Story— {one day an old man said yonder} heyyyyyyy

+1 vote
by (87.2k points)


what if one day they get rid of the qwerty keyboard completely! i will type it out for you just in case one day they get rid of it. qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm. there u go. Goodbye. I’m back! i decided that i should tell you about fonts. i always used the same font for my whole life, called arial. the reason is probably because it is on the top of the list in alphabetical order, and i was too lazy to scroll all the way down. only a few months ago did i finally decide to change my mind. i scrolled for what seemed to be an eternity, and i finally got to… are you ready … arial black. yep, that was my big SCROLLING ADVENTURE! just yesterday, i was typing something on google docs and i found the new best font : roboto. its great! i could choose from FIVE different thicknesses. isn’t that amazing? right now we are driving behind a really slow “farm plastics collection” semi. i think i know someone obsessed with pokemon, but i can’t tell you who it is. he keeps making pokepals references and stuff. wow! you are a very loyal reader! if you have REALLY made it this far then you… get a gold star on your loyalty chart! good job! this is looking to be the longest text ever, considering that this was all written in one day. i don’t understand sandwiches. if you were to eat bread, mayo and tomatoes separately it would be disgusting! you know all those fancy magazines/restaurants that always have really fancy food pictures with meat and brussels sprouts and all the old people say “wow! that looks great!” and you think {bubble thing} “it looks like the worst thing anyone could ever eat” and the you eat it and it tastes surprisingly… WORSE than you imagined! gotta go… im back! ive ive got stuff to say! your probably thinking… HoW DoEs He HaVe So MuCh FrEe TiMe?!?! And the answer is… i don’t. that’s right. this isn’t just some SIDE project. i’ve gotta make time to do this if wanna get the world record. for all i know, the flaming chicken opponent who i will refer to from now on as sam (i don’t know why) is probably still adding to her posts. (i think i picked sam because it sounds like ham which is like cooked meat and so is flaming chicken, so you will remember that now ) i am officially going to make a quote from the rainbow fluffysheep handbook of knowledge and prestige (sounds catchy, huh?) . section 777 of the rainbow fluffysheep handbook STATES that the king of oddly colored farm animals (thats me!) is allowed to use whatever font he wants to. [now, i know what your thinking reader, that has nothing to do with anything. but it will come in handy someday (maybe)] sam makes me feels sick! im offended! (probably because i’m jealous of how much is written on that website(i dont even know how to make a website)) I’VE JUST BEEN READING THIS AND I HAVE DISCOVERED A CONSPIRACY! THAT’S RIGHT, I AM WORKING FOR DOCTOR SUESS! YES! i will prove it to you. i mentioned ham and sickness so green eggs and ham somehow! (why is he called doctor suess anyway? he’s not even a doctor *citation needed* and his books are kinda dumb! (funny considering i’m the one making that statement)) talking about eggs, aren’t eggs practically unborn chicken membrane? wouldn’t it be scary if you were casually eating your brembudder (riotous robots reference (wow! serious compilation of alliteration dedication!)) and drinking your tae wit’ da guv’na (england doesn’t even have a govna! *citation needed*)(i’m not even racist i’m just quoting an accent of a race) and you go to crack an egg for your brekkie and BOOM! and unborn chicken embryo starts running towards you, picks up a knife and starts screaming “MAMA! MAMA!” you are so scared that you grab the nearest weaponry (a spoon) and poke the hideous beast. it is unaffected. luckily, the govener of Berwick-Upon-Tweed throws a sugar cube directly into the chicks mouth! as you know, sugar is EXTREMELY poisonous to chicken embryos *citation needed* (no more citations!) and you are saved! i’m sick and tired of citations! i will quote from the official rainbow fluffysheep handbook! section 12345679 (all the mathematicians are nodding their heads while the OCD people are twitching nervously in the corner) says that the king of oddly coloured farm animals does not have any obligation to write if a false piece of information needs a citation. great! now i feel like a free person! free i tell you, free! free from the prison cell i call the boundaries of untrue info. i think since im going to be the president of somewhere someday, i should have great speech here it goes: Hello great people of [name of place]! i am here to tell you; I am going to make [name of place] great again! i am going to lower taxes, but increase happiness! i am going to buy dog sweaters and bowls for people with dogs, and do some renovations on peoples tents! yes, this truly is a new era, the era of Epicness And Coolness! {and so, his tale lived on forever, being passed on generation to generation, living vividly in the hearts of the people.(that last bit sounded like the ending of an Asterix comic.)} i will now PROVE that all these things can happen. the first thing i said was that i will make America (i know, i know, i gave it away and told you the name) place grape again. (yes, that is what i said, bear with me here) i hereby DECLARE that every piece of American soil must be covered in vineyards. someone told me i should do that. i think i heard it through the grapevine (bad jokethat nobody understands) the next step is to lower taxes and raise happiness. to lower taxes i will get rid of all hospitals, and spend the taxes all on building fun playgrounds. this in turn, raises happiness (for the kids and for the non-injured if you know what i mean). finally, i will buy dog sweaters (on sale at your local liquidation world!) and dog bowls (just use little human bowls maybe?) and last but not least i will do renos on peoples tents (send chip and joanna from Fixer Upper to all the camping places). and, since all i said was (partial) truth, it will be a great era. anyway, gotttttttttttaaaaaaa ggggoooooo. bbbbbuuuuuuyyyy! im back. i just had thanksgiving while listening to christmas music and it was fun. we had bacon, ham and chicken but no turkey. its fall, but it’s ACTUALLY winter secretly. im watching a funny show. i’m back (even though i never said i was gone so you might be confused) hello loyal reader! if you have gotten this far without SKIMMING THROUGH then you are probably either lying, extremely bored (but not after reading this whole thing!) or VERY and i mean VERY dedicated. or all three. you know those homeless people that sit on the ground and ask for money? i think its all a conspiracy! after all, uow can they afford those dogs, sharpies, cardboard and enough english education to write “need help”? back in the roman times, only the richest, most important people could get things like that! you know the new fad, ‘black surfboards’? (neither did i until 15 seconds ago) someone related to me thinks they look really cool, i think they are neat but SOMEONE also related to me thinks they are bad because they would get warped. someWHERE ohohohohohohover the rainbowwwwww that reminds me, i was doing my normal thing, when BOOM! i started typing NONSENSE. so here it is, but be warned. its SCARILY NONSENSICAL. HeRe GoEs:

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