+6 votes
in General Blogs by

Hey, I know there is a lot of new people here so here are some facts about me .

  • I am very very emotional irl. I'm not one to online vent, unless I need advice or something. I'm also very bottled. I'm a bottled mess of emotions. 
  • I lurk lollll. And eavesdrop. 
  • I label myself a writer even though I have trouble starting a story. I want to be an author when I grow up.
  • My BFFAVAVAVAVAV on KS are Wraya, Cheerless cheerleader, blueZswagger, Eloquent racer, Cuberdude, Turtlesunicorn, Reader and Dallas. These are the people  I feel like I could trust and would want to meet irl.
  • My friends on here are Minecraftnerd, nutella girl, nobi,Esie, lypi, pumpkin, etc. So many more . I really hope I get to know y'all better !
  • My favorite colours are Orange, brown,rose gold, and black. I like Sci Fi, Horror, dystopia, and action movies. My favorite shows \movies are Sofia the first, Smallville, The Flash, Avengers Infinity war, WONDER WOMAN 1 and TWO !!!! ( Most superhero movies.) Greatest Showman, Family Matters etc.
  • And umm just know I've been here longer than most people here and am in highschool. yes im trying to flex my dominance lolllll.

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (147k points)
Best answer

This is mine, using this post as a template.

  • I crack up if something bad happens because of me. I have never vented online before.
  • I have a bad habit of eavesdropping unconsciously. I never lurk because I can't stay quiet and I don't have the nerves to do such a thing.
  • I love predicting the weather. I want to be a chief meteorologist when I get a job (the chief is just because I want to work at the news station XD)
  • My "BFFAVAVAVAVAV" on KS are you, Alex, nobi, and FishyBoi (inactive).
  • Me friends on here are more or less everyone else.
  • My favorite colors are blue and black. My fav movies are The Day after Tomorrow, Fievel Goes West (I think I'm getting too old to watch that but I DIGRESS), and any old show like I Love Lucy, Family Matters, and the Any Griffith Show. I also like the show Monk.
  • I'm in 7th grade and I am flipping out because I am almost a teen AAAAAAA
by (165k points)
My family loves Andy Griffth!
by (529k points)
by (165k points)
What does that mean??
+2 votes
by (266k points)
+1 vote
by (529k points)
Well, thanks for including me as one of your friends! Really appreciate it, and would love to get to know you too!

+1 vote
by (967k points)
I like eavesdropping too! I also like spying.

My favorite color is yellow. And I don’t have a favorite show or movie.

Dominance! Longest to survive wins! (That means KS wins…)


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