+8 votes
in Other by (156k points)
Never have I ever....

Broken a Bone?

Been to the hospital ?

12 Answers

+1 vote
by (967k points)
Best answer
I have been to the hospital once (to visit my mom at work), but I’ve never broken a bone.
by (156k points)
Same I have been to visit but not for myself
by (967k points)
Now I’ve been there twice. The 2nd time I went there it was to the new hospital (the one I went to first is gone and replaced by the new one) and it was because my mom had to get something, so I tagged along.

It’s really nice, and sometime I might eat lunch there. (I have to be 12 or older though)
by (156k points)
0 votes
I have been to the hospital an uncountable amounts of time. Hospital is like a walk to the park to me now. I have memorized all the floors and corridors, where the restrooms are, etc. I'm getting ready for a visit to the doctor right now as I'm writing this.
+1 vote
by (116k points)
Never have I ever: gotten medication
by (967k points)
You mean a prescription or cold medicine (not prescribed)? I’m the first one.
by (116k points)
I mean like anything besides home remedies
by (967k points)
Then no. I don’t go to the doctor when I’m sick. (But that’s probably because the most sick I’ve ever gotten was a cold)
+1 vote
i was 7, i was singing some dumb Barbie song (from one of the cheesy movies) jumped onto the monkey bars and the next thing i know is i'm getting a shiny pink cast on my right arm! :)
+2 votes
by (137k points)


Y'all really do be getting hurt a lot, don't  y'all.
+2 votes
by (161k points)
1: no

2: yes, but never for an injury. Just for a procedure (which is kinda like a mini surgery or sum) for a medical condition i have.
by (529k points)
You never told us you have a medical condition :[
by (161k points)
Sorry I didn’t, it’s just something I don’t feel too comfortable talking about online.
by (156k points)
Cool :)
+1 vote
by (794k points)
1. no

2. Twice. 1st due to annoying stomach bug i had when I was 6 (In Venezuela, the medicine makes you feel worse so I vomited after taking medicine) and 2nd in August 2023 when I got my mouth surgery and had to stay there 2 days to recover (at least I could stay in bed watching youtube all day lol)
by (156k points)
+1 vote
by (115k points)
ive nvr broken a bone but I have been to the hospital like a bigillion times to visit ppl (mostly my grandma-shes still alive)
by (156k points)
Hope she's doing well
+1 vote
by (99.7k points)
Both, for breaking my wrist.
by (156k points)
Noice lol
+1 vote
by (165k points)
I've done both!

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