+14 votes
in Other by (550k points)
Read the title
Pepsi (3 votes, 20%)
Coke (7 votes, 47%)
Neither (4 votes, 27%)
Both (1 vote, 7%)

12 Answers

+1 vote
by (64.4k points)
Best answer

I like Pepsi, but Coke to me isdrool

Idk why because they almost taste exactly the same

0 votes
coke. pepsi leaves like a weird film on my tongue i dunno
0 votes
by (85.3k points)
+1 vote


+2 votes
by (155k points)
Both? They both taste good. I guess if I had to pick, coca-cola. Or Dr. Pepper. Which tastes like CHERRY COKE. Then you get it MIXED WITH A LITTLE BIT OF ROOTBEER.

i like mixing my sodas-
+2 votes
by (530k points)



by (127k points)

Of course this is what you say. 

I had some of that a couple weeks ago. The bottle has neckbeard labeling all over it. They were trying to claim it as something spectacular but it tasted suspiciously like cream soda with a hint of caramel, not like butter or like beer. 

I think they lie.

by (530k points)

Wait really

I thought butterbeer was just a Harry Potter thing wow

That description still sounds delicious, though :D

Also, I wouldn't want something that tastes like beer. Not that I've ever had that, I just assume that it tastes bad stupid

by (127k points)
Beer tastes exactly like it smells. Yeasty, fermenty, etc. Like sourdough dough that spoiled. At least the bad good beer does. Good good beer tastes like different things (ranging from honey to cloves) and bad bad beer is just rice water (looking at you, BudLight).
by (530k points)
Well, it's not just the taste that may bother me. I've never had an urge to consume any kind of alcohol.

Don't wanna do that to my body!
by (127k points)
Ay. I talk to my mates; a few of them do that kind of stuff all the time. My one guy has a regular "smoke time."

10:00 p.m. comes and he's like "oh **** it's smoke time."
by (530k points)

I've smelled cigarette smoke before, it smells completely awful. Another thing I don't want to put my body through. It can cause cancer and lung disease, both of which I would not consider risking if I want to live a long life a-^^

by (965k points)
Same, Nobi. I just never had an urge to consume alcohol or smoking (or vaping). Probably because my parents don’t drink alcohol or smoke or vape. (My dad used to vape but he quit)
by (530k points)
Well that's good to your dad. Not doing any of that stuff is always the healthier option, but some people continue to do it. I would never recommend starting to or keeping on doing those habits for anyone else.
by (127k points)
Ohhh….nobi I wasn’t’t talking about him smoking camels or anything…….no, he smokes flower.
by (530k points)

Wait what—
by (965k points)
Welp, looks like this comment string turned upside-down.
by (127k points)
Aye Elo.
+2 votes
by (11.0k points)
sprite (so neither)
+2 votes
by (132k points)
+2 votes
by (965k points)
I’ve only tried a bit of A&W Root Beer (we had root beer floats in class one day) and it was really good, so that.
+2 votes
by (29.5k points)

I don't see how anyone could like Pepsi.

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