+12 votes
in Ask KidzSearch Staff by (127k points)
Y’all really ought to let us downvote answers, posts, and comments. I know I’ve never made this kind of post before, but it really would be nice to have that feature again. Why’d you guys take it off anyway?
by (85.3k points)

4 Answers

+3 votes
by (85.3k points)
Best answer
I agree
by (965k points)
Same here.
+3 votes
by (550k points)
I agree they should be readded
+4 votes
by (350k points)
We will consider it, but in the past it was abused with some users getting downvotes for no real reason. Some of the younger user may not be able to handle getting negative votes.
by (127k points)
Well this is isn’t even the real world, this is fake social media. If they can’t handle everyone not loving them and everything they do, then maybe they’re just not fit for it. It can’t be that complicated. I’d like negative votes on my posts. How else am I supposed to know if my content isn’t liked?
by (550k points)
I agree with u duke. BUT, I'm kinda sensitive about people hating MC so yeah.
by (790k points)
I think you guys should Like give a box here it gives you a reason why you are downvoting
by (127k points)
KidzSearch isn't actually coded (amazing--a company like this???). It's made using Q2A, so the features are pretty limited based upon what Q2A offers.
by (161k points)
“But im kinda sensitive of people hating mc”

Not everyone can like a certain game.

I love fortnite, but if someone doesn’t like it, its their choice.

I wont like get mad or complain

I dont like mc as much as i used to
+3 votes
by (3.9k points)
true dat

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