+5 votes
in Dino's Blog by
Hey everyone.

I'm kind of tired today. My eyes are red and I can't see super well, so I'm sorry f there are some mistakes or typo'ss in this.

You all probably know that Technoblade died last June. Its almost been a year since his death was announced.

I'm still in denial, honestly. I watched him on occasion but he made me laugh like nobody else in my life did. I keep telling myself that he's "resting". That he'll come back someday, Techno doesn't die, he wouldn't leave us...right? And then I just break down.

Idk if I'm being overdramatic, but he was my comfort creator/streamer. I cant even go on my YouTube homepage without seeing multiple videos aboout him.

I watch other creators, and sometimes they say or do things that are so much like Techno it makes me think "Hah, that's something Techno should do/say!" and then I have to remind myself that its never going to happen.

- Dino

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (550k points)
Best answer
Don't worry. When he died a it felt like a small part of me died. Bc I feel like everyone important to MC is a part of me.

Also when he died a small part of MC died which could be why a little of me did bc of how close I am with MC. ( I know that sounds really weird and awkward)

So, It's not just you who is still sad about it.

I could ( theoretically) go on an on about this. But, I won't.
I completely understand that. I felt like a small part of me died, or at least a small spark of my will to life died.

Also, that doesn't sound weird at all! That's exactly how me and everyone ELE felt.

I'm glad I'm not alone. Thanks for this :)

- Dino
+1 vote
by (529k points)
I feel you.

Even though I didn't watch him much, I did watch a video about all of his accomplishments a few months before he died. In my head I was thinking, "What if Techno didn't make it out alive?"

Obviously, I didn't think I would be proven right. I always did have that in the back of my mind though, because so many people die of cancer. Even ones you would never suspect.

And it does hurt to know that someone that brought you joy can't do that anymore. But he still lives on in his videos!

Am I the only one who thought his dad and him sound just alike btw?

I personally wish that he had just been faking. I would much rather that than it being real. But that would just have been dumb and seriously dangerous on his part if this were true, so..

But when I first heard the news, I was S H O C K E D. I know his soul had whatever experience it needed to have, which is the reason why he died.

But yeah. You're not alone :)


Yeah, I hate cancer. It sounds like a childish thing to say, but I hate cancer. My dad almost died from cancer 2 years ago and I almost lost him, and now Techno's gone and I just can't anymore.

And yes, him and his dad are so similar its incredible...His dad is like an older version of him. When I heard his dad start talking in the interview he did with Dream I literally cried way more than I want to admit. He sounds so much like him.

I wish it were fake aswell. I wish he were still here. I wish I didn't want to hurt myself over something as stupid as a Minecraft content creator, but to me he wasn't stupid. He helped millions of people, including my trans best friend, who suffers from SH and depression. Techno made him laugh and made him feel like life was worth living. When he heard the news, it mentally and emotionally broke him.

I want to believe that his soul fulfilled its purpose in life, but at the same time I cant. But no matter what we do, he's not coming back (I feel like an idiot for crying while im typing this lol..). Anyway, it's been a year. Techno has probably conquered the Kingdom of God by now. Technoblade never dies :,)

(Im also sorry this was so long. I just feel like I have so much to say)

- Dino
by (529k points)
Hey, on the bright side, if there is a god to worship it's definitely him!

Everything happens for a reason. He definitely wanted to go, by his own accord (even if he didn't even know it himself)!

And think about it, he was in enormous pain and couldn't be there for his fans much. I know it may not change how anyone feels about his death, but he's happier now! He technically beat cancer because it died too!

I just want you to not be sad anymore. Believe it or not, he's still 'round here somewhere as a spirit, laughing his deep laugh because we're still mourning over him instead of being happy because we had the chance to be alive during his lifetime!

(Omg I can't figure out how to write a chapter but here I am sitting here making these paragraph long comments XD)

Feel better, you and your friend! Technoblade never dies!
Hah exactly. Im not religious but if Techno is God, then I guess I am lol.

I've never really thought of it that way, but he did beat cancer in a way. He took it down with him :)

(XD we love paragraph long comments here folks)

Thanks for this, it means a lot lol. Your comments had me crying for like the 5th time today. Y'all are so nice like what I don't deserve this-

Technoblade never dies!

- Dino
by (529k points)

You actually deserve a lot more than what you prob already have tbh!

(Ay we here on KidzTalk write chapter long answers about why tomato belongs on pizza and pineapple doesn't XD)

I'm hoping I made you cry tears of joy! a-=D


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