+7 votes
in Dino's Blog by
Hey everyone!

This is gonna be kinda personal and has to do with LGBTQIA+ topics, so uh youve been warned ig lol.

So I used to think I was genderfluid, but now I'm wondering if I'm also non-binary. Like I feel like my gender is fluid but I also feel like it tends to fluctuate outside of the gender binary a lot. Idk if that makes sense xD.

I googled if you could be non binary and gfluid and Google didn't really give me a straight answer. It said yes, but I got no explanation for it.

Idk, you all know a lot more about this stuff than I do, so help?

(Also its been a year since Techno's risen to take on the kingdom of god, and I'm not religious, but if techno is god then I guess I am xd)

Bye googlies :)

- Dino

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (966k points)
Best answer


Anyways, I go here: https://lgbtqia.fandom.com/wiki/LGBTQIA%2B_Wiki (It’s a very helpful resource)

Genderfluid: someone whose gender changes over time. A genderfluid person can identify as any gender (including non-binary) or a combination of genders. However, the intensity doesn’t change.

Genderflux: someone whose intensity of their gender changes over time. For example, if a genderflux person who is AFAB feels might feel completely female one week, then genderless the next week, and then partially female the week after that. (The gender doesn’t change)

Fluidflux: basically a combination of genderfluid and genderflux. (Both the gender and intensity change)

by (529k points)

What's the bad thing that happened?
by (966k points)
Uh, I forgot what happened on June 30 this year, but there’s this June 30 curse in Minecraft history.

2021: Minecraft Earth gets shut down,

2022: Technoblade lost a PvP battle. (Y’all know what I’m actually talking about)

2023: It happened on June 29, but I forgot already.
0 votes
Dude! Are we seriously talking about this? The one and only God made us in his own image. He created us male and female. THERE'S A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE.
by (529k points)
These people seem to ignore the fact that people with both female and male parts exist.
0 votes
There's something called genderflux. It's similar, but different. And you can be multiple genders at the same time. And that does include non binary. I can't help much, but I can help? (That made no sense, sorry-) I offer you full support.


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