+3 votes
in Dino's Blog by
Hey everyone!

Ima be talking a bit about politics and LGBTQIA+ topics/rights here so if that bothers you, then politely shoo shoo :)

Anyway, if you don't live in America, then you probably haven't heard of this particular topic just yet (or maybe you have, who knows?), but there was a recent case that went all the way to the Supreme Court (basically one of the biggest and most influential courts in the entire country), and not for a good reason.

It involved a Colorado woman who owns a wedding decor business. She wanted the ability to deny any customers that are part of the LGBTQIA+ community, specifically same-gender couples, service.

Now this woman claimed that a couple, specifically a gay couple, came onto her website and requested her service. She said she refused to help them because it "went against her religious beliefs".

 However, after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the woman (basically saying that this whole thing was ok), one of the men in the alleged relationship came forward and said he wasn't even gay. He had a wife AND a child.

This is just sad honestly, because this woman LIED IN FRONT OF THE SUPREME COURT. That is not a small little oopsie, that's a huge, absolutely HUGE deal. But this woman lied and got away with it, and now its okay for her to refuse service to gay/same gender couples just because of their sexuality.

This isn't just happening here, this is happening all over America. As a nonbinary (Im calling myself that because I think I've figured it out :) genderfluid kid in the US, I don't feel safe. I am in a fairly safe state, but watching other LGBTQIA+ kids, specifically trans kids, getting their rights take away by adults that know nothing, absolutely nothing, about what they have to deal with sickens me.

No binary and gender fluid are both under the trans umbrella, so technically im a trans kid living in America. Im scared for my life. Im scared because now I can't even wear a rainbow in public in some states without fearing for my safety. Im scared for other trans and LGBTQIA+ kids in my country, some of which don't have accepting families or environments.

People ask my "why do you want to end it all?", and I say " I don't feel safe, my family ignores the warning signs that I am shoving in front of their faces, I get bullied for my hobbies, I am hated for no reason, I hate the body I was born in, I hate my face and my body, I hate myself more than I will ever EVER hate anyone else."

And I am scared for my life every single day.

- Dino

3 Answers

0 votes
by (529k points)
Best answer
No, no, don't be scared. Listen, I may not exactly be apart of LGBTQIA+, but that doesn't mean I agree with this any less than I would if I was. The government has become corrupt, and, if it hasn't already, it is quickly spreading to other states. This is not and will never be okay.

I don't care if I have to burn every bible/bible copy in the world in order to get this through every homophobe's freaking head that LGBTQIA+ is here and they can't do nothin' about it. Because it has been here for centuries. Centuries longer than this "God" was ever mentioned, and definitely centuries before Jesus showed his face.

I'm with you. You don't have you be scared. :)

Thank you, Nobi :)

You would be a good therapist xD

It really is. The government is horrible and are spreading their propaganda to other states and making other people just as insufferable and hateful as them.

LGBTQ has been here. Its always going to be here. The sooner homophobes learn that, the closer us and our allies get to peace.

Thanks again :)

- Dino
by (529k points)

Literally any time! I wasn't even going to reply because 1. Politics makes me mad and 2. I didn't even know what to say. I just decided to speak from the heart about it :)

I'm glad I could be a help to you! :D


0 votes
It makes sense you're scared. The anti-trans bills. Bathrooms based on AGAB (I had to change what I originally said so it could get approved) instead of gender.

It's horrible.

Being LGBTQ+ is nothing new, but now, because we're actually out of the shadows and not just 'roommates' or 'disguised for opportunities', now they decide to reference a few mistranslations in a book they claim to know everything about. This particular religious text with these particular mistranslations.

Is that how you prove that it's wrong? Because it's not wrong. They're hurting people, and they're hurting lives. Do they know the average lifespan of a Black trans woman? Do they? It's not very long.

These people don't know what they're talking that. With all their 'this is a choice', I want to see them try to be LGBTQ+ for a day. It's hard. And it's not a choice.

I could continue, but this answer is getting really long.

It's fine to be scared, but I hope you know that so many people are with you, who stand with you, including me. I hope the LGBTQ+phobes realize common sense and you no longer have to be as scared.

by (967k points)
About the bathrooms: I do support bathrooms being sorted by gender and not based on whatever you were at birth. It’s also scientifically proven that there’s almost no downsides, and a lot of benefits.

My parents strangely believe that bathrooms should be sorted by birth gender though, and they support LGBT+. (They’re both cis, so…)
I think we should have gender neutral bathrooms to go in place of bathrooms assigned by gender, in my opinon.
by (967k points)
Also, I meant people going in there according to their gender.

I think there should be a gender neutral bathroom in all public places, but also gender bathrooms because some people want their privacy.
0 votes
by (156k points)
What did the woman lie about?

Besides its her business she can refuse service to anyone she wants. It shouldn't have never been taken to the Supreme Court
She assumed that they were gay.

It's not great. It doesn't make sense why LGBTQIA+ people are denied service.
by (529k points)

She lied about there being a gay couple. The two men were not a couple, yet the law still stands that gay couples cannot shop at her store. It's unfair, because it didn't have to happen, since that couple wasn't even gay.

She accused a random straight man (who had a wife and a child) of being gay when he wasnt. She lied and now its okay for her to deny any same gender couples the right to her service.

- Dino
by (156k points)
Ok. I see. She wrongly assumed something and she should have gotten the facts first. I agree with you there.

But, it is her business, Just like LGBT people can refuse service to straight people, Straight people can refuse service to LGBT people.
by (529k points)
She did it because a book told her to, essentially.
LGBTQ+ people can refuse service to someone who are being horrible to them and harassing them, and these people who she assumed were gay did nothing to her.
by (156k points)
I get that but its still HER business, all business reserve the right to refuse service to anyone they want. That's the end.

She did it because a book told her too? Or because that's what she believed? Like I said, She reserves the right to refuse service to anyone she wants.
by (529k points)
Okay then.

There's no point in arguing about this, people are driven to do unjust things because of their beliefs, and this is what the world has come to.

One sad truth I just have to accept.

It doesn't make sense. Sometimes people believe things that harm people. That's never okay or an excuse. It is sad.

by (156k points)
She didn't harm anyone tho. She didn't anything wrong either.
She shouldn't have told them to leave, then. That was the thing she did wrong.
by (156k points)
for the millionth time. ITS HER BUSINESS BRO. she reserved the right to refuse service to anyone. The end.
by (529k points)
Maybe we should just agree to disagree? That would be much better.

We didn't say that she didn't have the right to refuse service, but she refused service for no real good reason, and a reason based on ignorant assumption. That's all we were trying to say.

But if we can't agree on that, let's just agree to disagree.
She shouldn't have the right. But according to the Supreme Court, it's right. It's so messed up. LGBTQ+ people, especially trans people, are stuck in fear and unsafe situations. The anti-trans bills and bathroom bans are harming lives.

I don't even think the Bible says anything about trans people, and if it does, why? Logic proves that Eve is trans.

We can agree to disagree, but this is a huge issue. Like I said earlier, it's harming lives. Do you know the average lifespan of a Black trans woman?

To quote The Village (yes, I am quoting it), "One page of the Bible isn't worth a life."


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