+3 votes
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Hey everyone!

I use all pronouns but I prefer he/they pronouns. Whenever someone calls me a girl, woman, or uses she/her pronouns I just want to disappear. It makes me uncomfortable, but some days I am ok with it. (ah gender fluidity lol)

I wish my dad would know how they make me feel when he uses she/her pronouns on me, but I'm only 12 and according to him this is just another one of my weird phases. (its obviously not, and he never outright says it, but it's obvious that's what he thinks)

Anyway, I have Tae Kwon Do tonight and my dad is going to be driving me. I want to tell him in the car ride home but idk. Im scared he wont respect my pronouns. Maybe he will say its okay but still misgender me.

Im nonbinary and genderfluid. Im not a girl. Sometimes I feel more feminine (on those days, I call myself a demigirl), or want to use she/her pronouns, but again that is VERY rare. When those days happen, I tell my friends about it and they respect my pronouns.

But I look like a girl. I want to cut my hair super badly but idk what to cut it to. Im scared that he won't be able to think of me as a boy/nonbinary person because I look every inch a girl.

I want to know what y'all think about this, since a lot of you know what to do with this sort of thing. Its not like my dad is rude or purposefully misgenders me, but he just doesn't understand.

I want to talk to him about my pronouns tonight but idk what to say or how to phrase it. That's a lie, I know what I want to say but I don't know how to say it or how he will react.

Help please xD

- Dino

3 Answers

0 votes
by (529k points)
Best answer
Sorry for using female pronouns on you all the time!

Don't stress it. I'm sure your dad will respect you if you sincerely ask him to. After all, he has no reason not to, from what you have said about him! He seems pretty supportive already!

Best of wishes!

No its okay! If you want to keep using female pronouns that's 100% fine with me, whatever makes you comfortable!

Thank you :)! I'm posting an update right now..

- Dino
by (529k points)
Okie! I just wanted to know what you wanted me to use :) thank you!

And you're welcome! I can't wait to hear what happened!
0 votes
Tell him something like, 'Hi, I like these pronouns, and it makes me uncomfortable when you don't respect them. Every once in a while, I do use she/her, but rarely, and I'll tell you when. Can you use the right pronouns for me and correct yourself if you make a mistake?'

Not exactly that, but something like that.
0 votes
by (230k points)

im sorry for using she/her pronouns i feel so bad now T_T

Oh no its okay! I 100% understand.

If you want to refer to me with she/her pronouns that's fine! Whatever makes you happy makes me happy :)

- Dino


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