+7 votes
in Books / General by (230k points)

Chapter 5: Leo is one CUTE dude

Liam's moms and I talked about what we were gonna tell my parents. We decided that we would lie and tell them that they didn't find me and they would keep looking. I didn't hear the rest because I was busy staring at Liam's brother, Leo. 

He was beautiful. 

He had dark brown eyes, (even prettier than Liam's, dare I say?) jet black hair and a tan. I had to look away when he saw me staring at him. "I haven't seen you in a while, Kay." His voice (beautiful in_love) startled me. "Yeah, I've had some real bad family drama," I said sadly. Then I explained everything. "I'm here for you, okay? We care about you." I nearly died.

I actually thought I had a crush on him. Being born a girl, I thought I was gay because I liked girls. But, now I liked him? This crush wasn't new. I thought he was really cool and really goregous when I first met him. Now, I was confused about my sexuality, right when I thought I had it all figured out. Yay. 

At Liam's house, his mum showed me my new room. "This was our guest room, but we hardly have guests that stay over, so you can have this room," she said. "Oh thank you so much!" I shouted. She smiled and walked away. I unloaded my suitcase and taped some posters onto the yellow walls. I heard my ringtone, which is the song "bad guy" and I looked at my phone. 


"Oh great," I muttered. I waited until the ringtone stopped. A few minutes later, I got a notification. It was a voicemail. "Kaylianna, where are you? We miss you so much. Mom says she's really sorry about what she did. Please come home! We love you." Really, dude? He was obviously trying to make me wanna come back home. No way did they love me. They didn't even like me! I replayed the voicemail and heard something that sounded like Dad crying. What? He was all tough dude who never showed emotions. I was so confused. I was thinking hard and long about this situation, when Leo told me we were going to Walmart. We all piled into the car and drove off.

At Walmart, when we were paying, I was debating over which bathroom to go into. I decided to go in the boys room, because I looked more masculine now. After I walked out, I saw the missing kids board. I read the names. Juliana Martin, Bobby Black, Yara Johnson... My eyes shot to the bottom of the first row. Kaylianna Robinson. I gasped. My family actually reported me missing? Maybe they did care. The picture they put on there was of my first day of seventh grade. I was "smiling" and I was wearing my Billie Eilish sweatshirt. "They.. Care?" I said out loud. Leo tapped my shoulder. I jumped and yelped, which made Leo jump and yelp. "Look!! It's me!! THEY ACTUALLY CARE!!" I screamed, which made everyone stare at me. Leo smiled. He hugged me and I melted. "I knew they cared," he whispered. 

That was all I needed. 


Alright i just wanna ask this... DO Y'ALL SHIP ANYBODY??

2 Answers

0 votes
by (126k points)
If you ever need runaway advice, I can help. For instance, what these "moms" are doing is illegal: they're harboring a soon-to-be runaway.
by (230k points)
oop i had no idea-
+1 vote
by (529k points)




by (230k points)

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