+3 votes
in Dino's Blog by

Hey everyone. 

I just wanted to take a minute to discuss pronouns and how they correspond with gender.

Firstly, I just want to say that pronouns do not equal gender.

For example, A nonbinary person (like me) could use any pronouns they want. People think that girls HAVE to use she/her only, boys can ONLY use he/him, and nonbinary people/anyone else can only use they/them pronouns. This is a more common misconception than many are aware of. 

You could use any pronouns you want. If you want to use he/she/they, he/they, she/he, xe/they, etc. its okay. You can be a girl and use he/him and its alright. 

I mainly want to focus on nonbinary people, though, and anyone else who falls under the nonbinary/transgender spectrum. As I mentioned, nonbinary people don't have to just use they/them. Some use neopronouns or xenopronouns, and others use she/her and he/him. Whatever pronouns make you comfortable are 100% okay. 

I know most people probably already knew this, but I still see people saying "what, you're nonbinary? Why aren't you just using they/them pronouns then? Guess you aren't nonbinary". 

Also, I know these posts are probably odd, but I see so many homophobes and transphobes getting angry over things they are incredibly mistaken about. 

- Dino (he/they)

3 Answers

0 votes
by (230k points)
Best answer
thanks for telling us! i just started really learning about this sort of stuff, and i need more info!
Anytime! I'm happy to make these posts because I know that I'm teaching at least one person something new :)

- Dino (he/they)
by (230k points)
:) thats very nice of u!
0 votes
by (56.3k points)
It's english. We can't change it anymore. ( I think)
What do you mean?
by (967k points)
But it’s English, so we can make up new words. I, for example, used “worser”, “leftest”, and “quadrilateric” at some point.
0 votes
by (132k points)
Cool! You know a lot about pronouns, genders, etc.
Thank you! I certainly try xD

- Dino (he/they)


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