+4 votes
in Dino's Blog by

Hey everyone :)

I just wanted to know if this is normal and if anyone else experiences this. I am pretty sure that I suffer from facial and body dysmorphia, but I've never been officially medically diagnosed by a doctor. 

Basically, whenever I see my face/body in photos or in the mirror, I cringe at myself. I get intense anxiety, panic, hatred for myself, and a sense of dread. 

I'm heading into 7th grade in a few weeks, and I've had this sort of facial hatred since I was in 5th grade. When I was in 5th grade, COVID was at its peak. We all had to wear masks and everyone was constantly paranoid. All the other kids complained about wearing masks, but I liked mine. With the mask on, I could actually stand to look at myself in the mirror. I could actually feel comfortable in pictures with my mask up. Even when the school announced that we didn't have to wear our masks anymore, I kept mine on. Kids taunted me for it, but I was only comfortable when you couldn't see my face. When ​​​​​​couldn't see my face. At lunch, I would pull my mask down, take a bite of food, and put the mask back up. I was paranoid of any of my friends seeing my face because me seeing my face gave me such panic, and I assumed it would for them as well. 

I don't know if this is normal. I hate makeup, but during school I try to wear some because it makes me look better. Or at least I think. When I stare at my face for long periods of time, I get a very warped perception of it. Like I know what it looks like, but at the same time I don't. 

For example, this morning I was getting in my Ranboo cosplay, and I looked myself in the mirror and for the first time in years I was actually happy with how I looked. I have a facemask and my hair covers my eyes with the cosplay, so my face is 99% hidden. If I were faceless all the time, I would be so much happier. I'm also trans, and I get INTENSE (like seriously intense) gender envy when it comes to guys. It could literally be any guy, I don't care. 

I don't know if this is normal. I also suffer from depression, SH, anxiety, social anxiety,  and maybe mild autism (not sure), if that helps narrow it down. 

Thanks for reading my long rant xD. 

- Dino/Wil/Wilbur (he/they/xe)

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (13.7k points)
OH MY GOSH. that happens to me….. every thing you listed.
+1 vote
by (132k points)
My biggest insecurity is my face. I'll stare at my face for hours at a time. You are def not alone in those types of insecurities and stuff. I suffer from very mild depression, and do you know what its called when ur afraid to get old and die? Thats what I suffer from most:(
0 votes
by (156k points)
I hope you feel better!


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