+3 votes
in Dino's Blog by
So this is more personal bc I am freaking out.

So I went to get a haircut today and I was actually pretty happy but my hairdresser ignored my instructions and its too short. It's so ugly and my hair grows so slowly. I have school tomorrow and Picture Day on friday. I'm going to cry, im so done. I am going to get made fun of and I literally have no way to fix it since my school doesn't allow hats.

Someome help me please- :(

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)

5 Answers

0 votes
by (132k points)
If your hair is Long enough, put it in a braid.
0 votes
by (550k points)
Just put your hair in  a different style
0 votes
by (529k points)
Hey, you can just style it a certain way so that it doesn't look bad! And besides, I bet you look handsome either way :D

Short hair don't care >:3

0 votes
by (1.34m points)
Every hairdresser cuts my hair short too!! It's a serious problem, and I've been to like 5 places just to escape it, but to no avail. I guess everyone either REALLY wants to get under my skin, or they think I look better with short hair or something. I don't really have any advice to give but we do have the same problem. Maybe ask to bring a hat JUST for the picture? Of course, wearing a hat might make you stand out for everyone, which could be good or bad.
by (126k points)
*Resisting the urge to crack a rude ginger joke*
by (1.34m points)
Omg, you're being ginger-ist!

Time to cancel you this instant!!!11!!1
by (529k points)

Also I get the feeling you're a Weasley, Pumpkin.
by (126k points)
What's a Weasley? Like slang for a weasel? Or is it the trait of being like a weasel?
by (529k points)
A family in Harry Potter. You can easily spot one by their ginger hair.
by (126k points)
So there are a bunch of Ginger neckbeards running around?
by (1.34m points)

Bruh I'm not gonna take any more ginger slander sad_smile

by (529k points)
I wasn't dissing you about your hair, I was just saying that you're most likely apart of a Pureblood wizard family!
by (1.34m points)
Oh you're fine... Duke is the one making the ginger slander! Seriously, someone needs to cancel this man.
by (126k points)

Sorry mate. My mom has red hair and I have never heard my dad call her anything but "Ginger." I actually thought that her  name was Ginger in Elementary school. We constantly give her trouble about being ginger and she accepts it, so I guess it's just natural. Just having a bit of fun is all

0 votes
by (967k points)
Use hair fertilizer?

Other than that, you should ignore the people who are making fun of you and if they don’t stop, stand up for yourself. They still don’t stop, tell the principal.

Use hair fertilizer?

That's a thing??

by (967k points)
Yeah. It grows your hair.


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