+7 votes
in The "Normal" Blog By a Not Weird Girl by (230k points)

So you guys, i have a game for you!!! >:3

this is mine:
(i copied that from a Khan Academy comment lol)

what are you waiting for???

by (1.34m points)
I copied the tag space emoji, which allows users to leave blank answers.
by (230k points)
oh 7

6 Answers

0 votes
by (529k points)

I'm pretty sure I copied an image:


by (230k points)
0 votes
by (10.5k points)
+2 votes
by (550k points)

Alex said “Easy there Steve, you haven’t eaten in two and a half weeks, you’re probably extremely weak right now.”

The people that put Steve in said “Oh yeah… Steve, you have to spend a week in the status effect chamber.”

“Every hour changes, right?”


Alex said “Guys! Steve has been through enough! Don’t torture him any more!”

Steve said “Alex! You’re going to get me trapped in the staration pit again! And I can’t do that again!”

The people said “Alex, you’ll have to stay in the starvation pit for another week and a half.” and shoved her back in the pit.

`Steve said “Alex! Don’t worry! I’ll get you outta there as soon as possible!”

And asked “May she please come out for the feast?”

They nodded and let Alex out and said “Now Steve, you could either use your only get out of anything pass to get out of the status effect chamber and go home to see all your friends for a week OR not get out of it”

Steve said “I’m going to be a man and do it.”

Everyone’s jaws dropped. 

The people who put Steve in the pit said “Are you sure? There may be the nausea status effect  in there”

“I don’t care! I’m being like a man. I’m making up for all those times I broke the rules”

“Okay Steve if you are 100% sure you want that?”

Steve nodded and said “Yeah.”

Alex said “Steve! No! I’ll take his place and afterwards I’ll do the pit again.”

The people said “No Alex! You can take his place but you won’t be able to eat there!”

Steve said “Aww Alex. Is this about getting us trapped in the pit of hunger or whatever it’s called for two weeks?”

“Yeah I just want you to forgive me!”

Steve led Alex away and said “Alex, the stories you told me in there were so wonderful, I forgave you!”

The people said “We’ve discussed it and Steve, you have to go home for a week.”

Steve nodded and said “Okay”

The people said “First thing tomorrow you have to go”

Steve said “Okay guys”

Five hours later, it was time for the feast. Steve ate so much his belly nearly bursted.

The next day, Steve went back to his village. \

When all the villagers saw him, they said “Steve?! I thought you used all your vacation time this year”

“They’re making me leave while Alex is stuck in the starvation pit”

All the villagers said “How long has she been in there in the last two months? This includes all the time she’ll be in it this time.”

Steve said “Five weeks”

The medic said “Steve, That much time usually drives people mad. Even if they are let out for a few days and eat during that time!”

Steve said “How long does this madness usually last?”

“Sugar coated or no?”


“Well…Usually forever”


“Yes. I’m sorry.”

“”Okay. So what you’re saying is… I may never see my wife again?”

“Your WIFE!? I thought she was just your girlfriend”

“We recently moved up”

“Oh. How come we weren't invited?”

“Strange rules where I’m staying”

“Oh makes sense”

A week later, Steve went back to the facility.

When he got back someone came right up to Steve and said “Steve, we’re so sorry.”

“For what?” and chuckled “I just saw my village and now it has azalea all over it”

“Alex, she’s… gone crazy”

Steve said “Let her out!”

“No! She’s still not what we want her to look like!”

“Oh I see! You’re just trying to make her look like a human STICK so you won’t have to feed her as much! Well jokes on you because you’ll have to feed her more!”

“Steve, that’s not why.”

“Then why?!”

“We want you and her to break up. We can see deep down she hates you and wants to speed up the process!”

Steve said “No! You’re lying!”

A half week later when Alex got let out she looked as slender as a sword. Steeve ran over to Alex and reached his hands around her and picked her up. 

He carried hr home and said”Alex, I have a question that’s a bit difficult to ask.”

“What is it Stevie?”

“The people that keep putting us in the starvation pit say deep down you hate me.”

“What?!” I don’t hate you at all! I’m going to have a serious talk with them!”

“Alex, no! I don’t want you to be any skinnier!”

“It’s not that bad is it?”

Alex then went upstairs to the full length mirror and steamed. She then ran down to Steve and started to cry onto his shoulder. 

Steve said “Alex, don’t worry, I can request extra food.”

Alex says “They’ll never go for that”

“Save your strength. You need it for a mandatory talent contest that everyone who isn’t one of the ones who test that stays here has to participate in. It’s tonight!”


“Again, save your strength!”

“Can I please get out of it? I mean if they see me they’ll let me out of it!”

“Yes. But, if one of us wins we can go back to our old lives in the village forever. So we never have to come back to this terrible place again and we get 50,000,000,000,000 diamonds and 25,000,000,000 emeralds”

“Okay. Can I please have potion of strength?”

“Sadly, they emptied my potions the first day I arrived.”

“Okay, do you have the supplies to craft a new one?”

“Everything but nether wart”

Alex handed over some nether wart and said “Here”  and fell over.

Steve quickly brewed some strength potions and said “Alex, I’ll give you one when it’s time.”

THen the head of the PvP council came to the door and said “Steve, we noticed you married someone that has never been a legend at anything. This is strictly forbidden!”

“So what? I’m not a legend anymore! I got removed from the list!” and started to cry and wiled “Over five years training down the drain!”

The other person said “Umm Steve maybe you should turn around. Alex is drinking wither potions.”

Steve ran over to Alex and said “Give me all your negative potions! I don’t care if I'm not supposed to have them, I’m just protecting you!”
“So what?! I’m so thin any potion has a chance at killing me so I’ll be normal weight!”

“No Alex! For one that’s not how respawning works! And if you respawn you’ll be stuck at the weight you’re currently at forever!”

“Even strength potion cold kill me?!”

“No! Just the negitive ones.” 

Then the leader left and someone that put Steve in the pit came in and said “Steve, We’re all so sorry we have to do this.”

“Do what?”

“Kill Alex”

Steve then yelled “Alex! Here’s some swiftness and strength potion! Drink one of each and run away as fast as you can!”

Alex said “No Steve, I’ve lived a full life. I would be okay if they used their perma-death swords on me.”

Steve said “One last hug before you die. I was hoping we could hug while we get deleted but now… I have nobody”

Alex said “Steve, I wouldn’t be doing this if you didn’t think you were ready.”

Steve said “Please just wait until we visit my billag again!”

“Okay Steve, what if we win and never have to come back?”

“I’ll come back here with you so you have someone you love with you to hold your hand while you die.”

Alex said “You see this Steve? This is why I picked you over your announcer.”

Then the person who said they had to kill Alex said “Guys time to get ready for the talent show!”

Alex quickly drank a strength potion and stood up slowly. 

She said “Steve, can I please lean on you until we get there?”

Steve nods and says “Sure”

Alex starts to lean on Steve and she continues to do it until they arrive at the stage.

Alex was up first and she made a creeper out of concrete blocks. Steve was near the end and when it was his turn, he brewed one of each potion variant in two minutes. Steven Alex came in second and third. Sally Treter came in first. 

Steve snapped the wooden sword hw\e got for third over his knee and said “Unfair! He only won because he’s famous!”

Alex said “Steve! You do realize you just destroyed a sword. Right?”

The judges then reconsidered it and made Steve the winner.

End of book 21

this is from my fanfic

by (230k points)
+2 votes
by (29.5k points)
The mule is a domestic equine hybrid between a donkey and a horse. It is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse"
by (1.34m points)
Interesting thing to copy paste
by (230k points)
+2 votes
by (1.34m points)

‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎

by (230k points)
+2 votes
by (966k points)
On mobile, there’s a Paste button.

For me, there’s nothing.
by (230k points)
oh yeah duh..

brain fart


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