+12 votes
in Foreign Languages by (794k points)

this is the song im finally doing for the talent show. this is a children's song about Nordic culture and it makes me extremely happy and safe. since now you can translate audio files in google translate, could anybody download the song and translate the audio and send me the lyrics.

the song is called Ens I Nord by Peter Wemo and Lone Wrenbald. 

it is avaibale on MP3 Juice to downlaod for free btw, and it is free-to-use for educational porpouses only

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (529k points)
Best answer
I misread Wemo as Elmo—

by (794k points)
by (529k points)
Leif Elmoson—

I'm not on my computer right now, but when I am I'll try to help :)
by (794k points)
Leif Elmoson real
by (529k points)
Leif Elmoson, the first European to step foot on American land x3
by (967k points)
Also known as the great-great-great-grandpa of Sesame Street Elmo.
by (794k points)
but the translation
by (794k points)
ah, the simpler funni days of chaos
+1 vote
by (794k points)
but seriously somebody help me
+1 vote
by (794k points)

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