+9 votes
in Fiction by (531k points)

Chapter 5

Nicolas scrunched up his face. "Abbycat? You mean you're related to this moron?" He scoffed. "I would appreciate it if you didn't call my big brother a moron!" Azure replied, crossing her arms.

Zachary looked down in embarrassment. "Nicolas, meet my sister, Azure. She's younger—"

"Only by six months!" Azure interrupted, making Zachary put on a frown. "Whatever, six months is greater than zero. Anyway," he added, turning back to Nicolas, "our father is supposed to be joining your father on the Kingdom Council... You don't know what that is?" Zachary queried after spotting Nicolas's puzzled face. "No," Nicolas replied, "just pretend I don't know anything about the rich life. Well, I do, somewhat, but not like this. I feel like someone who has just been thrown into royalty."

It was true. This did feel an awful lot to him like being told he was related to the Queen of England and had to fly there immediately to receive his royal treatment. "Well, where do I start," began Zachary as he prepared himself for what Nicolas thought to be a whole guide to rich-kid history. "Let's see, we've got children here who are heirs of only the greatest families in America. Their ancestors did something big! We get sent to schools that not even the usual rich kid go to! Kingdom Academy, the most prestigious school in North America, has a camp sect, which is where this train's taking us."

Nicolas looked out of the window, eyeing the beautifully silver sky and the snow-tipped mountains just ahead. "Isn't the journey just magnificent?" Azure chimed in. Nicolas looked back at her to see her eyes were shining with admiration. "I've always loved the journey more than the destination. It's not only what matters most, but it's the most beautiful thing I may ever see in my life."

He thought about that for a moment. "What were you saying, Abbycat?" He asked. Zachary looked back and forth between his sister and him, "Which one are you talking to?"

Nicolas facepalmed. "Who do you think? I was looking at you when I said it!" He couldn't fathom how much of an idiot a person could be. "..Oh, yes, Kingdom Camp. We go to this camp for about 2 years, unless our parents want an added third year. Some people are smarter than others and their parents think that 2 years is plenty enough. That probably won't be the case with me..." He stopped.

"That just means I'll be going to Kingdom Academy and you'll still be here," joked Azure, nudging him in the shoulder. "Don't be sure of that, no one said that you were smarter than me," said Zachary, flustered. Nicolas just watched as these two bickered about, thinking of how the two dealt with each other back home. Then again, he'd never experienced living with a sibling.

"Elise Everpane said it," said Azure. Those words struck Nicolas like a lightning bolt. That name struck Nicolas like a lightning bolt. "...I can't argue with you on that. But not because I think it's true. Azure, Nicolas doesn't know much about his family." They both were looking at him now, his eyes wide and forehead covered with perspiration. "Who is she here anyway?" He asked hastily. Azure looked confused, but hid it better than Zachary did earlier. "Nicolas, she's your twin... Who have you been living with all of these years?" She asked softly.

"My aunt!" He boomed, startling the Abbycats. "I thought my parents were workaholics, didn't have time for me and just kept me with my aunt. I met my twin a few years ago, which hurt me, because they had time for her. It wasn't fair," he said, his hands now clenched in pain. "I visited my parents fairly frequently. My twin was always in another room. My father must have wanted to check and see how I was doing... But a little before my aunt died, I had no interaction with any of them. My aunt didn't tell me she was sick... My mother only told me when we were at the funeral, when I asked how the world could do such a thing... I remember my father," he continued, his eyes becoming darker as he told the story.

"I remember him having a static look on his face. And my sister, who was looking down. She was very depressed, and we never got to talk to each other. It was like she didn't notice me. It was like we didn't have the same aunt, the same life. The same family... But I loved my parents. I knew they did all they could to take care of me, even if they didn't have time for me. I knew that they funded everything for me and my aunt. My mother told me herself! She also told me that they paid for the highest treatment for my aunt's health..."

Tears didn't show themselves on his eyes. His body was just shaking, and it was all very concerning to see. "But the illness she had, the thing she never braced me for, overtook her. The only time I could have looked at her with that knowledge in mind was when she lied in her coffin... And I miss her so much." He bent down and cupped his hands to his face.

"Nicolas," Azure called timidly, "she didn't mean to hurt you. You understand that, right?" Nicolas seem to practice silence. "Thank you for opening up to us stranger kids.." Zachary said. "Does this mean we're all friends now?"

"What are you talking about, we were friends before this, Zach," Azure replied in an annoyed tone. "Not you! Us and Nicolas!" Yelled Zachary. Nicolas giggled softly, bringing his face out of his cupped hands. "I guess it does. But don't you dare speak of this to anyone!" He warned, and they both nodded vigorously.

End of Chapter


Hope you guys enjoyed!

Love ya'll,

nobodyimportant out—

3 Answers

0 votes
by (15.4k points)
YESS! Nick is not so introverted!
by (531k points)
Maybe, maybe not >:3
by (15.4k points)
>>:] no one knows
0 votes
by (161k points)
I kinda assumed Nick would have a crush on Azure because of the description given to her:

“It looked much like the face he despised, only cuter”

So im still going with he crush theory
by (531k points)
Mayyyyyybe :3

Nick is very much an introvert. He doesn't really trust anyone.
by (161k points)
I think you just spoiled it

Finally, a ship other than Nalish!
0 votes
by (137k points)

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