+5 votes
in Venting by (122k points)
Because of what happened in Minnesota with the Nordic festival, I cried all day today and I will love some support

October 9th is in 8 days, on October 9th were gonna do a big special thing for all the Nords here

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (790k points)
Best answer
Inga, I just want to let you know. To me, You are my KT Twin sister. You make me laugh and smile, and you are a beautiful human being. You actually have a very deep connection with your Finnish heritage, and that says a lot for a 12 year old girl. I want to say you are amazing, loved and may God bless you.
0 votes
by (137k points)
I'm so sorry, "Copy and paste this message to spread the word and show your support:"
by (790k points)
she dosent mean that part

she means the whole thing and making a post about it
by (137k points)

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