+11 votes
in Fiction by (529k points)

Chapter 8

Nicolas's mind was somewhere off to space. The sound of Mr. Sylvester's voice had been drowned out by his internal thoughts, singing together in unison as it asked questions about just what these years would entail for him.

And then there was Zachary.

The annoying Abbycat was trying to get his attention, obviously not taking ignorance as a choice. With all his might, he continually whispered quite audibly to Nicolas. "Psst... Nick!" Was all that kept Nicolas from his happy place. Zachary eventually stopped, leaving Nicolas to enjoy this peace and quiet. He may not get it ever again.

"Right," He heard Mr. Sylvester say, "you will all be assigned to numbered dorms. They will be separated according to gender, for instance: the letter G followed by a set of numbers will indicate the Girls section, and, obviously, the letter B followed by a set of numbers will indicate the Boys dorms."

He scanned the group of children, perhaps waiting for some kind of indication that they understood.

"Where are your manners?" He hissed loudly, startling some of the children to jolts. "To emphasize your understanding, you do not only nod. Were many of you raised in a barn? Do I have to check your family backgrounds again?" He added, looking directly at the Abbycats. Zachary stared at his feet. Nicolas felt he had to say something, but he kept his mouth shut. Thankfully, unlike some people, he knows when to be quiet.

Mr. Sylvester frowned. "Fine then," he said softly, adjusting his coat. "Let this be a warning to you all; you answer to me as if you are in a military school. Always indicate—in the loudest volume necessary—that you understood everything I have said. Yelling out, "Yes, sir," will do fine. Do I make myself clear?"

There was hesitation amongst them. Nicolas decided that, if he was going to pipe up, he'd do it when it was absolutely necessary.

"Yes, sir!" He boomed, seeing the flock of birds that were overhead take flight. Mr. Sylvester's eyes had laid upon him for quite some time, his face confused on whether to make a pleasant or unpleasant contraction. Soon, Azure had called, "Yes, sir!" the man's eyes switching to her now, and everyone soon began to do this respectful gesture.

Everyone except...

"Zachary Abbycat," said Mr. Sylvester's voice, trickling through atmosphere in such a haunting way. "I see we have ourselves a rebel. Tell me, boy... Do you intend to stay for an extra year?"

Zachary shook his head, still looking down. "Because that's the path I find you following," the guide continued, "this kind of behavior could be reported to your parents, and what an awful situation that would put you in. They'd surely sign you up for a third occasion, something that, as I stated, would be a cursing move." As he talked, he seemed to be absorbing the joy from the boy's pain. "It would be nice of me to give you one last chance to use common sense, now wouldn't it?" He asked, grinning sadistically. 

Zachary took a breath and looked up, straight into the man's eyes. The atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife. "Yes..." He stated, the man raising his eyebrow.

"Yes, Sylvester."

End of Chapter

O my gah, all he had to say was, "Yes, sir!"

instead he called him by his last name, I can't even :[

What a rebel that guy is...

Hope you enjoyed!

Love ya'll,

nobodyimportant out—

5 Answers

0 votes
by (15.5k points)

Zachary be like bucktooth

Sylvester be like threaten

Me be like jawdrop

You be like *speedwriter*

by (529k points)


I AM    S   P   E   E   D

Zachary can be very stubborn sometimes and unnecessarily get himself in difficult situations x3

by (15.5k points)



Zachary equals me when I was younger… 

by (529k points)
Zachary is the universal spirit of everything x3
by (15.5k points)
For real
0 votes
by (6.0k points)
zachary no don't trigger evil principal man
by (529k points)
That's a no-no, Zachary—
0 votes
by (29.5k points)
I like Zachary :P
by (529k points)
Why, cuz he's a rebel x3
by (29.5k points)
yesss thats why i like him :3

also, i cant take sylvester seriously now, cuz you said his name sounds like a cat's name LOL
0 votes
by (137k points)
Now we know she's a simp too!

by (529k points)

Okie dokie then.
by (137k points)
Hey, I'm just stating the facts.
by (529k points)
by (137k points)
I have valid reasoning to believe that Azure is simping after Nicolas, the text clearly states, "Soon, Azure had called, 'Yes, sir!'". This quote is a clear indicator of how she feels towards him in the plot of the story. She was inclined to raise her hand directly after him, this conveys how she supports him.
by (529k points)
Yes, but she also supports not getting in trouble, like this brown-haired rebel with a dumb cause x3

But seriously...

Why in the world would he call this man his last name

That is a literal unalive wish—
by (137k points)
Alright, that also makes sense *backs back into shadows*
0 votes
by (161k points)
Geez Nobi you really are putting off Nazure

You know its happening

There is SOOOOO much romantic tension between them and you know it

Give us what we want!

by (529k points)
GC, these kids are eleven, please give them some time—

I'm guessing that was your way of saying you enjoyed it :D
by (137k points)
Dang! 11 and Harry Potter is difficult to read!
by (529k points)
Zachary was just being a jerk, an 8 year old can understand Harry Potter x3
by (137k points)
Alright, 'Cause they would be really illiterate for rich kids.
by (529k points)

I'm not even sure what rich kids do in rich schools...

Not sure how it's really any different, except for maybe being luxurious O_o

by (137k points)
Well, actually, they teach more difficult subjects (because most of them can afford private tutors so less time is wasted), usually they learn Algebra 1 in 8th grade.
by (529k points)

Coolio :D

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