+3 votes
in Dino's Blog by
Hey everyone :)

So I have this current tradition of sorts where each year on or around Halloween I try to eat as many Warheads candies as possible. Now, if you've ever had one of these...well first off I'm impressed you're still alive but my point is they are insanely sour.

I have a pretty high sour tolerance, so its not super difficult for me, but is does get harder the more I eat in one sitting. My current standing is 6 Warheads eaten at once. This year, my goal is to eat 7 of them at once. Im about to eat all 7 right now, so I'll finish typing this afterwards.

Welp, my mouth hurts but I didn't cry >:D

I also beat my streak and ate 8 of them in a row.


- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (531k points)
Best answer

I've actually never understood the appeal for sour stuff. I must have a sensitive mouth x3

Actually, maybe I'm just sensitive in general... Very sensitive—



Mkay, but now do ten—

Kidding, I don't want your mouth to fall off, please don't eat ten, I need you to be okay x3

I hope you read this :]


Ahh hi Nobi!

Sour stuff is one of those things that's not for everyone. I personally like it a lot but its one of those things most people just dont like x33

I FULLY ACCEPT THE TITLE OF SOUR GOD- (very modest, I know xD)

I appreciate the concern. Honestly, if I ate 10 my tongue would probably start bleeding :']

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)
by (531k points)

We do NOT want that, fren! :D

You must call for sacrifices, as a god!

Will cookies suffice? Specifically from Esie's pantry


I love sacrifices >:D

I accept your cookies from Esie's pantry

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)

by (531k points)

(I hope you enjoyed those cookiez! Esie will never know >:3)

Also, Dino, there's a fun roleplay that Sloth has started!

I think you should join :3

If you want to, of course a-=D


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